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Leben und Arbeiten in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Summary LEA V/ Halle The project „Leben und Arbeiten in Europa“ (“Living and Working in Europe”)/LEA V-Halle is the fifth mobility project being applied for by our school. It is based on a partnership with the Lycée du Nord in Wiltz / Luxembourg started in the year 2000. This partnership was gradually enlarged and now consists of 6 schools with a focus on trade matters. These schools send interns to and host interns from their partner schools. This cooperation was consolidated in particular by an additional Comenius-Project from 2012-2014 led by our friends from Luxembourg. In this project a website was created by a group of students from all our partner schools. This website ( serves as the basis for the preparation and implementation of mutual internships, according to the project name “Applying for a Job – Network Internship”. In the next two years we would like to enable 50 students each year from both our full-time school courses and dual VET-courses to do a four-week internship abroad in order to promote their competences for a successful vocational life in Europe. The target group consists of students from the vocational training fields of trade and commerce and the clothing industry. For the first time we would also like to include students being trained in the cosmetic sector. European mobility projects constitute an important part of our school image as a certified European School in North-Rhine Westphalia. The internships take place in companies found with the help our partner schools (Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Finland, Slovakia) but also through European partner agencies (Great Britain, Ireland, Malta). We depend on the cooperation with these agencies due to the fact that many of our interns want to do an internship in an English-speaking country. We have called on these partner agencies several times and the companies they provide for the interns have also been visited. Some of the internships take place in companies the interns have found on their own, partly in the foreign subsidiaries of our VET-partners from industry and commerce. The Leonardo-Team of BK Halle consists of six experienced teachers who organize the implementation of the project. All tasks at hand are fulfilled, e g submitting the application, informing the students, studying the students´ applications for an internship and selecting the participants, organizing the internships with the help of arrangements with the partners, concluding contracts, issuing the Europasses as well as studying and assessing the internship reports. Moreover, we keep in touch with other stakeholders working in the European field of our region. Worth mentioning are the network “GT-europe-direct” of the district of Gütersloh and the EU Head Office of the regional government of Detmold with its project “Fit-fuer-Europa” (“Fit for Europe”). The benefit anticipated by us is above all an added value for our students whose development with regard to both vocational and personal aspects can be supported by an internship in a foreign country. The experience of the last few years has repeatedly demonstrated that this is definitely true. The growing together of Europe and the implementation of the European idea in the minds of the young people is of utmost importance to us. This can only be reached step by step and we want to contribute to it. It goes without saying that we also want to enhance our school´s profile and make it attractive to the students. The continuity as an instrument for the promotion of the European education at our school may serve as evidence.

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