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Leaving East Frisia - Apprentices for Europe (Vermittlung interkultureller Kompetenzen zur europäischen Entwicklung der ostfriesischen Berufsschule)
Start date: Jul 18, 2014, End date: Jul 18, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Developments from regional job markets to a European market have changed the challenges for our school. We have the goal to prepare our students for Europe and a European job market. That is why we will offer our students the chance to participate in extra training courses that will teach intercultural skills and will include doing an internship for 4 weeks in a foreign European country. To be able to teach these students adequately, we wish to broaden our intercultural and project management skills. An intercultural exchange that exceeds the experience of the seminar is essential for the process of learning. The training offers possibilities to meet new partners in order to organize joint project such as student exchanges or e-twinning. We strive for a development of intercultural and project management skills for the entire staff. For this purpose we would like to participate in the training to promote our intercultural and project management skills and pass these on to the remaining staff as well as to our students. The experiences of the seminar will increase an interest in intercultural learning and cooperation. European projects will be conducted more effectively. The training will lead to greater enthusiasm for European projects among teachers. In addition, it will promote the intercultural, language and social skills of our students and contribute to prepare them to meet the demands of a European and international job market. Our participant shall take part in the training abroad with great interest, have sufficient language skills and represent the European idea in our school.
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