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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project was born within the framework of new teaching situations at schools – teachers need to gain and use effectively new digital and language skills and approaches , especially English teachers and those teaching groups that use English in content and language integrated language (CLIL) in “bilingual” groups that use a variety of approaches and digital text books. Some of the aims to be achieved are:To develop the school’s internationalization strategy, improving the skills in order to modernise the school management and open it internationally.To improve classroom pedagogics and teaching process, making it modern, dynamic and open to innovative techniques.To promote permanent collaboration and develop links with secondary schools and institutions in different European countries. To strategically plan and implement the school’s goals and the professional development of the teachers working here. To improve the teachers’ qualificationsTo promote and improve the teachers’ right professional skills – digital skills and communication and language abilitiesTo improve the use of effective classroom teaching and learning techniquesTo promote better opportunitis for teachers’ profesional developmentFive teachers of the IES Universidad Laboral de Toledo will take part in the activity. They will be teachers who use CLIL approach to secondary school students, the teachers using new technologies, computer-based activities and digital textbooks, teachers of English and 1 person responsible for Erasmus+ programmes management (Management Board or coordinators of the European Programmes Department).Programme of the activities to be carried out by teachers during the project Training courses for specific purposesJobshadowing activities at partner schools. Teaching activities in groups of the partner schools.MethodologyThe Project will be implemented during the school year 2016-17. During the third term of school year 2015-16, preparatory activities will be carried out, so that training courses for teachers can take place during the summer, 2016. Jobshadowing activities will be carried out during school year 2016-17 Preparation before the start of the mobility- Selection of teachers -language training (when necessary)- Contact with institutions and partner schools- Planning of places and times when the activities will take place -Agreement on Training and activity programme during the mobility; signature of agreement (IES Universidad Laboral-school institution/training institution)During mobility activities- Follow up- Evaluation After mobility activities-Dissemination of approaches and pedagogies acquired- Assessment of mobilities and overall programme. - Filling in final report- Implementation and use of learning activities in the classroom. Expected results and impactAccording to the expected objectives, the impact in the short term will consist of:- Improvement of communicative and language abilities in a foreign language of teachers taking place in the activity.- Improvement of teachers’ digital skills and their ability to use ITC - Improvement of CLIL-based teaching practice - Acquisition of a wide variety of teaching strategies ideas and methodologies to be used in the classroom - Implementing good practice on management of European programmes (Erasmus+)According to the school’s plan to implement the teaching skills and strategies achieved during the project within the goals of the school as an education institution, there will be several long- term benefits:- Promote the exchange of good practices. - Modernizing of the school and opening up to other institutions - Improving and expanding the collaboration network with schools and institutions in other countries- Improvement of teaching skills and competences.

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