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Learning in internationalization and ICT skills
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is focused on teacher training in order to provide our students and the entire educational community open to Europe. With adapted methodology for changing times and use new tools and teaching methods. Last year, we developed an etwinning project with two schools: Finland and Greece. Through which we related with teachers in these countries, sharing experiences, concerns and educational tools. First of all, this year we have started a second etwinning project, with new activities and tasks shared among schools. For this reason we believe the need to deepen the understanding of the tools of Web 2.O and conducting task using these tools to motivate and improve the quality of education of our students. To do this , we see crucial participation of at least two teachers in the following activities: - "Web 2.0 Tools for Effective Teaching and Project Work" hold in Cyprus and Poland. Completing with the following training cours: - "ICT for Collaborative Project Based Teaching and Learning" hold in Malta. Secondly, through the project we developed last year, we had such a good communication between teachers of both schools, so we decided to do a job shadowing in late August, two teachers from our school went to Finland in order to observ the Finnish educational system, which is very relevant among the Spanish educational community because the results of the PISA tests. The experience was extremely positive and motivating for both staff and the school, that we propose to deepen the knowledge of the Finnish education system in order to modify strategies and methodologies to improve the quality of teaching in our school and bringing itmost European educational model. We propose to send two teachers to the following learning activities: - The course "Study visit Oulu - The Finnish educational system (FI)" - October 2015 in Finland. - Conduct a "Job Shadowing" at school Tolppilan with a constant communication is maintained due to etwinning projects. Through which it also aims to deepen web 2.0 tools that teachers use this center fluently in the daily activities of the students. We expect to complete the project teachers have the necessary quality activities to develop tools; innovating projects and promoting e-learning knowledge between schools of the European Union; with a view to prepare a draft KA2 using a tool provided in the training courses mentioned above. Also promoted through the Resource Center Teaching seminars to disseminate the experiences and knowledge acquired during the KA1 project; writing articles with reflections about the differences and similarities between the two educational systems, and how to bring this model to our Educational Sistem.

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