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Learning from each others
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our school we have had some changes and we shall have them more in the near future. Pupils with different kind of needs have been joined into our school. Therefore we are keen to learn more about integration and the organisation of teaching and learning in the form of mixed-aged groups of pupils. From our previous Comenius-projects we've seen that Germany has a lot to give in this area. While working in this project the staff will be able to practise, develop and revise their language (English and German) competences too. Project enables more experience of integration and how it can be organized in primary school level. Also in immigration and social integration they have longer experiences than we do. Operational learning is coming back to our school and therefore we are keen to learn more from it. Continous professional develpoment is very important for us because no-one will ever be a totally ready as a teacher or a educator. We must follow the development of teaching and learning as well development of the whole society both locally and globally. Learning from the organisation of teaching and learning we could create more pupil oriented methods and working skills. This could give us a chance to get more time to meet pupils with individual needs. When teachers get a wider prospect of teaching and learning in another European culture it will help them to share information and knowledge about common European school life. It will open the eyes to see how similar and yet different we are but still can work together to the same goal. The participants are all teachers who has interest and need for these kind of activities. They are also ready to share ideas, bring new practises and distribute their experiences to wider community. Our Erasmus team selects participants according to their applications. In this project we have many objectives. Language skills (spoken, written, heard, understood) will be improved because of more international contacts. ICT-skills are used and improved (Etwinning). The main objective is to find new methods in teaching and learning, a new way of thinking how different ways teaching and learning can be organized. Teachers will have more self-competence because they have studied and assisted in another European school in foreign language. Team-work skills are streghtened in this project by experiencing, seeing and doing team-work both in our own school and in German school. Job shadowing is our main activity because it is the most effective way to learn about mainstreaming, integration, deversity and co-ordination of teaching / learning. German partner has a long experince of teaching age-mixed groups and mixed ability grouping. With multicultural families and immigration they have got a long history. Inclusion and iclusive education have deep roots in their school. We on the other hand can offer them knowledge in ICT, computer assisted learning (e.g. Trageton), how to maintain and develop the ethos of the school ( both learnes and teachers/staff). From the participants of the job-shadowing activities we expect that during teaching at the foreign school they will get new impressions, see other pedagogical methods and learn something more about organizing school-life as well as daily routine at school. The exchange of these experiences will lead our school to overthink and modify our plans and timetables. When one works in English - teach, change ideas, talk with pupils and other teacher - and one notices that she or he really is able to do this way helps one to be more self-confidence. Language skills - specially spoken - are streghtened during visits and afterwards. Personal connections help everyone to be more in contact with other European collegues. This help our school in future projects; Erasmus, eTwinnig etc. This will open doors also for pupils when their teachers have connections to other schools. Then it's easier to organize penpals, emails, eTwinnig-projects between classes. Through personal experiences teachers are more motivated to try new ways of teaching and learning. Because we have planned that all the teachers of our school will visit the German school and learn from them about inclusion, intergration and teaching in mixed ages groups. Our Head Teacher will also participate this project and this way we shall get new ideas about organizing timetables more adjustable. Because our objectives aim to chancing the methods of teaching and learning the final results can be seen after some years forward.
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1 Partners Participants