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Learning for Life: Student retention through innovative teaching approaches
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main focus for “Learning for Life” is student retention through innovative teaching approaches based on best practice and development of next best practice. We will produce and publish the results in an interactive e-book for teachers and trainers at primarily secondary and tertiary educational level. We have identified three areas where we can gain from working together across the borders:To develop new teaching methods:The traditional way of thinking teaching - one teacher/one subject/one lesson/one classroom is not always appropriate when taking into account the diversity among our young learners. This diversity is not only concerning the different academic levels of the learners, but also factors like cultural background and state of readiness to learn play a central role when organizing the lessons. Another significant reason to the diversity is the fact that the educational institutions, due to political requirements, over the years have been accepting an increasing number of students; on numerous accounts without regarding the different levels mentioned above. Studies of individualized learning such as individual leaning styles e.g. have shown how efficient this approach is and we will base our cooperation on this knowledge. Furthermore, we will base our cooperation and intellectual outcomes on observations of educational institutions being front riders in this field. We will add new ways of organizing the teaching strategies and lessons taking into account the students' backgrounds and to meet the requirements concerning collegial cooperation, project work, as well as a more optimal or better use of teacher resources. Thus, we look for changes in the teaching role.To ensure a manageable study environment by creating an application-oriented training:Reorganization of teaching strategies and lessons should not involve a more complex every day student life or more complex technical requirements than the institutions are used to. Thus, we want to work with application-oriented training to ensure this. We will scrutinize various ways of working application-oriented and point out the most efficient methods. This will include academic seminars, teacher shadowing, surveys, and cooperation with local businesses for example cooperation with local media and tourism organizations. To ensure retention, inclusion, and completion:Of course, this is indirectly comprised in the above paragraphs, but we want to develop specific strategies for how we can ensure a safe and collaborative learning environment for particularly students with less favourable background including migrants and refugees. We will exchange best practice strategies and develop next best practice for subjects like e.g. coaching, social events and field trips.The desktop research carried out by all educational partnering institutions prior to the first transnational meeting and the presentations of local and national pedagogical and didactical methods to enhance student retention, success and completion will form the base for the observation grid. At this Kick-off meeting, the participants will determine which of the presented issues to grab and of which we have to be aware. These determinations and the theory based knowledge of teaching methods, strategies, and experiences from primarily the involved countries will be elaborated and transformed into measurable paragraphs to be used at observations in Wales and Finland. Observations of lessons at Coleg Cambria and Axxell and interviews with pedagogical staff and management and theory based knowledge of teaching methods, strategies, and experiences from primarily the involved countries. By including one of the most experienced Danish publishing houses regarding creating interactive e-books we have ensured both didactical and technical expertise for this project. Furthermore, the University of Lower Silesia is highly experienced in the above-mentioned areas as well as in processing collected data. We therefore believe that the diversity of the competences within this partner group will ensure quality products. We also believe that a cooperation across EU boarders will strengthen the project products, as we will have a diverse pedagogical and didactical view and assess to differently structured teaching and learning methods and strategies. To frame the project qualitatively, we will develop an observation grid and questionnaires to be used by all partnering educational institutions at observations and interviews at Coleg Cambria and Axxell. These partners are front riders when it comes to student retention, but they are looking f
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4 Partners Participants