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Learning for a Sustainable Future III
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is the third part of the project Learning for a Sustainable Future and has therefore the similar priorities: it is introducing formal and non-formal education forms and respective methods to the international volunteer. Formal and non-formal education is more and more linked to one-another, especially in pre-school education, so this project gives the volunteer the chance to learn to use different teaching methods with the help of his experienced tutor in Tallinn Kindergarten Sipsik. Especially because at present time youth unemployment is a serious issue in most European countries, this project aims to promote EVS among unemployed youth during the project in Estonia, as well after volunteer's return in France. EVS is a possibility to gain valuable experiences and learn new skills which can be beneficial for finding a job later. Proposed project is a good possibility for the volunteer Amaury Gengembre to be an active citizens and give his hand in the field where he can share already existing skills, having worked as a children basketball coach and babysitter before, but as well get new experiences and find his new talents. Through this project Amaury will bring a change into his own life as well to the children and adults he will work with, being the first EVS volunteer in Kindergarten Sipsik.
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