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Learning Coach in Adult Education
Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

The value of adult learning to employability and mobility is widely acknowledged across the EU, but at present adult participation in lifelong learning varies greatly and is unsatisfactory in many EU countries. According to several studies, to increase participation in adult learning requires learner centered approaches and better tools for adult educators and career guidance practitioners. Usually information advisers just give information about the courses of the organization they work for, career guidance practitioners focus on helping the client to take a decision but have no specific knowledge of learning methodologies and how to support learners during a time span; thus adult educators are usually unable to advice learners on setting a direction for learning and to pursue it outside formal learning. This project wants to develop a ‘learning coach approach’ and a Tool Box of materials educators and career guidance practitioners can use when working with adult learners. The learning coach helps the adult learners to review previous learning experiences and favourite learning styles, in order to understand what motivates them for learning, to set a learning goal and an action plan to reach it (the plan can include all forms of learning), and to overcome barriers while implementing the learning plan. This project will carry out a need analysis in adult learners' organizations, develop a Tool Box of materials which learning coaches can use with adult learners, and develop and deliver a short training programme on using the Tool Box addressed to already experienced adult educators and career guidance practitioners. Prudent targets are the following: 240 educators and career guidance practitioners will be involved in the need analysis, 400 adult learners and 90 educators will be involved in the pilot, 5000 stakeholders will be informed about the project, 120 additional educators will be trained to use the Tool Box.
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