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" Learning by watching "
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The intent of this project arises when the group of participants, who is daily work in special education, understood themselves as active agents of the teaching-learning process, which aims to promote education for all, knowing that at the base are political decisions with practical implications, both in the financial, administrative and in technical-scientific levels. Hence the relevance of the innovation and implementation of multidisciplinary teams able to assess, develop and put into practice effective plans for any child with special educational needs. As we find ourselves in an ultra-peripheral region of Europe, Azores in a island of cohesion - Sao Jorge - and, being a group of three special education teachers, a psychologist, a1st cycle teacher and one member of Executive Council concerned with pedagogical practice, it is expected that this project is a journey of knowledge and personal and professional enrichment required to achieve the following objectives: a) Observing differentiated teaching practices; b) Knowing different forms of organization of special education; c) Knowing ways to operationalize and implement curricular adaptations; d) Knowing preparation methodologies and integration of students with special educational needs in the labor market; e) Observing in the class room context students with special educational needs; f) Observing how inclusion / integration into other realities is made; g) Improving our language skills; h) Changing intercultural experiences. During mobility, participants will record their participation through observation grids, photographs, videos, logbooks and others so that eventually the end project will be compiled in a digital portfolio. The knowledge and experience acquired during the project and the elements described above will be disseminated through eTwinning, facebook, internal and external training for the teaching and technical education support staff, and eventually through the organization of a regional seminar on practices observed in different European contexts for teaching and higher education personnel staff. Aiming at disseminating in the long term, the school will integrate the skills and experiences acquired by the participant group on curriculum development, patent in School Education Project (SEP), the School Curriculum Project (SCP), the Annual Activity Plan (AAP), improving the organization of teaching, training and learning is stimulating and deepening techniques, methods and strategies that promote the best apprentices and build future assets and the intervention of citizens in Europe.
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