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Learning by Travelling
Start date: Nov 2, 2015, End date: Jun 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A growing number of citizens are aware of the added value that mobility projects have in one’s personal and professional development. Social entrepreneurs also view mobility projects as an opportunity to innovate and to respond people’s needs. Both are looking for organizations active in the training and youth fields at a European level to benefit from their personal coaching and to access to transnational mobility projects that fit their needs. Even though some organizations have a long experience they encounter some difficulties to answer to these requests. They need to acquire new knowledge and know-how to adapt themselves to this new demand. The seminar « Learning by Travelling » arose from the common determination of 6 European youth organizations dealing with non-formal education (Nexes [Spain], Via Brachy [France], European Village [Greece], Seiklejate Vennaskond [Estonia], Forme [Italy] et ECOS [Portugal]) to share their experiences in designing and implementing learning mobility projects. The seminar will take place in Gaillac, France, from November, the 28th to December, the 3rd of 2015. It will bring together 31 experienced youth workers from Greece, Spain, Italy, Estonia, Portugal and France. For 6 days they will share their experience to confront different methods about how to design and to implement learning mobility projects and to support people in their learning process and initiatives. They will benefit from knowledge and practical tools provided by skilled trainers and will experiment diverse approaches, methods and tools that fit their needs on the ground. The acquired skills will encourage them to have a new perspective of their work and to be more creative and effective. At the end of the seminar, they will be able to implement new working methods in their organizations. They will share their knowledge with other youth workers by participating in public events and professional meetings and through the dissemination of the seminar’s intellectual outputs (set of proposals, synthesis…) within their local and European networks. The seminar will contribute to diversify and improve the quality of learning mobility projects within Europe. This will have a positive impact on the people (especially young people with fewer opportunities) as well as on the local economy through the support provided to social entrepreneurs. It will also strengthen links between European citizen’s thanks to the proliferation of mobility projects. New networks should emerge that will allow us to share our knowledge and to organize new European projects dealing with non-formal education, youth, social innovation and active citizenship.

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