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Learning Arabic language for approaching Arab Countries to increase business and mutual understanding

The main aim of the project is to create a set of innovative tools to promote and facilitatethe acquisition of basic competences in Arabic language, as well as a better knowledgeof Arab culture.The main products of the project will be:1. A report on the multimedia courses and materials for Arabic languageavailable.2. A Website that will have as main objectives:a) To become the main support for dissemination.b) To hold the produced Arabic language multimedia course.c) To hold MP3 files to be used with the IPOD or MP3 device.d) To hold relevant information about the project and its partners andactivities.e) To hold information about geography and culture of Arab countries.f) To hold a forum.g) A multimedia and interactive language course.h) A CD-ROM including the same course.i) POD-CAST files3. Exploitation of the course of Arabic language.4. Dissemination and exploitation of the project products.
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5 Partners Participants