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Learning Agriculture by Comparison of Agricultural production in Partner Schools
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will be undertaken by four EU partner schools (CZ, SE, UK, and DE). The partners were selected according to their branch of studies and comparable curricula, and also in respect of different growing terms and climatic conditions. Agriculture in the partner countries has different level as for the technologies and general conditions, however, there are some general principles that can be shared and adopted. The project objectives are the improvements of knowledge and skills concerning agricultural education and the school graduated and improvements of teaching methods in the European framework by means of comparison of methods and techniques used during a concrete crop growing. The improvement applies to both the participants of the project, concrete students of four EU agricultural schools and their teachers and, consequently, to other students and teachers of agricultural schools who will meet the outcomes of the project. The improvements will be based on the presentations of the best training practices used in individual participating countries, on the sharing examples of good practice, on the development of student motivation, responsibility and independence, mutual understanding within the EU, professional relationship, and on the changes in the relevant curricula by implementation of well proven, suitable innovative methods and techniques. For the purpose of the project feedback there will be a questionnaire investigating the participants’ experience, evaluation, motivation and ideas concerning with their future career in agriculture. Each of the schools will follow a general framework set by the management of the project to ensure coequality across the participating teams will be achieved. Each of the schools will set up a student company consisting of 30 students where each of them will work at an appropriate position, such as a director, an agronomist, etc. The activities of the companies will be monitored by 10 teachers. Each of the companies will use a one-hectare plot of arable land for growing a set farm crop. The grown crop will be the same at each of the participating countries and its kind will be specified and agreed on at the first meeting. The students will produce the crop and will compare the ways of growing in detail - tillage operations, machinery, seeds, fertilizers, crop protection methods, harvesting, yields, and profit. The experience will be presented on 4 face to face meetings and 6 on line video conferences serving for a mutual current communication.The meetings will serve for the choice of the concrete crop the student will grow, for the discussion dealing with the terms and methods of cultivation, for setting the timetable, agreement on the communication platforms and frequency. At the first meeting the teachers will also introduce the presentations dealing with the system of education in the participating countries and the agenda of the next three meetings will also be determined. Regular progress updates will be undertaken during the three next meetings, together with student presentations describing the procedures carried out and sharing the results. The results and findings of each of the student companies after harvesting and selling the product will be compared and processed into a final report and one of the outputs - a final brochure. The participant will also disseminate in their schools and local agribusiness conditions the results of each of the international meetings to share the experience with other students, teachers, and general public. The final report will be presented at the meeting of EUROPEA, which is the organisation representing 24 national associations dealing with agricultural education.The prospective impact of the project will mean changes in the methods, and implementation of innovative methods into the curricula as the results of the project will serve for further improvement of teaching methods and for enhancing the relevant curricula. The students will get valuable knowledge and experience in a real setting of agricultural production, allowing them to improve the procedures and the economics of their future possible business. They will acquire new skills and improve their professional abilities, including English language skills.

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