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LEARNINC-Learning incubators / Business incubators for improving creativity and entrepreneurship in historical-centre clusters
Start date: Dec 1, 2008,

In the last decade a growing attention toward urban development policieshas been registered considering cities as home to change based oninnovation, spirit of enterprise and economic growth (i.e. Leipzing charteron sustainable European cities). Despite such an innovative ‘vision’ ofurban development policies, a parallel coherent learning and trainingstrategy has been generally neglected or underestimated. On thecontrary, urban development policies could be deeply boosted andreinforced by a systemic and integrated approach to human resourcedevelopment and empowerment. Nowadays several historic centres havebeen renewed and restored in order to exploit their architectonic andcultural resources for tourism but their productive realities, made up byloads of small activities linked and interdependent with its own identityand field of specialisation like a micro-urban-cluster, had been neglected.The experience of business incubators and entrepreneurs training issomething running-in but it still misses a systemic, spatial vision thatcould bring together many aspects of revitalisation and several actors.Starting from this scenario, the project aims at developing a brand newsolution of integrated VET and business creation in order to helpEuropean countries to cope with the common challenge of sustainableurban economic revitalisation mainly supporting micro-clusteringprocesses and new business start up. The local partnership, in each oneof the 7 countries partners, is made up by municipalities, chambers ofcommerce and consultancy companies and other organizationsspecialized in training and local development. Main phases of the projectare: - first phase: analysis of the pilot area (local databases) and thestakeholders involvement (network); second phase: each city will developits Plan (Macro Plan, strategies and priorities; and Micro Plan, curricula,guidance system); while the international comparison, on the thematicplatform, will go on collecting and trashing out best practices for writingup the final LearnInc Guidelines ; third phase: each partner will implementand monitor a pilot LearnInc Module, based on a key field chosen fromthe Macro Plans of the pilot area and will test the system designed in theMicro Plan. The monitoring of the pilot module will allow a re-engineeringof the Plan and will provide additional best-practices to be shared anddiscuss on the virtual platform.

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8 Partners Participants