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Learn, Share, Grow!
Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Learn, Share, Grow is a Job Shadowing project arising from the need to improve the quality of youth work within our organisations, to share and exchange our knowledge, skills and examples of good practises in the field of Erasmus+ program, educational activities and youth participation with our Slovenian partner, and to build a stronger partnership between 2 organisations with an EVS accreditation. Our general objective is to improve the quality of youth work in our organisation on the local and international level.The main objectives of the Learn, Share, Grow! project are:1. to improve the quality of youth work, especially youth work with young people with less opportunities and NEETs in our organization and in the local community2. to empower youth workers with new knowledge, skills and practical experience to increase active participation of youth3. to offer our youth workers an international experience in an organization with similar goals as ours4. to promote greater intercultural cooperation between organizations in the field of youth, with the focus on EVS and youth exchanges5. to increase capacities in both organizations to provide new educational programs and activities.Learn, Share, Grow! is a mobility for 2 youth workers from Stichting Hare Krishna Kerkgenootschap Rotterdam from the Netherlands to Duhovno društvo za dušo in Slovenia. The participants will be from 22-48 years old, they are active in our organizations, and deeply interested in youth work and in the issue of personal growth and gaining new knowledge.The main activity will take place in the summer 2016 in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, where our host organization has its our office, and in Celje, the 3rd largest city in Slovenia, where most of their educational activities are held.They will learn and share and grow through discussions, exchange of opinions and good practises, experiential learning, brainstorming sessions, field trips and shadowing the youth workers in the hosting organisation, they will be also asked to prepare a presentation of our organization and activities to other youth workers and youth in the host organisation and from the local community during an evening seminar.As a result of this Job Shadowing we expect increased knowledge about active youth participation, enterpreneurship and social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities and NEETs, Erasmus+ opportunities for youth and youth workers, issuing of 2 Youthpass certificates, written ideas or drafts for new EVS or youth exchange projects between our organisations, and increased motivation for youth work of the participants.The mobility will be mutually beneficial. The potential longer term benefits will definitely be seen in a stronger international partnership with several youth projects in the future, we expect cca 2-3 EVS volunteers to be sent from one organisation to other in the next 2-3 years, and 1-2 youth exchanges written in the next 2 years.

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