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Learn about us through culture: cultural events for intercultural dialogue

Non-formal educative and intercultural dialogue values of cultural events are notemployed effectively as tools to enable social inclusion in marginalised European urbanareas knowing high levels of immigration. The fabric of these communities is weak asindividuals lack positive images of their cultural identities and intercultural dialogue(hereafter known as ICD) is difficult to achieve. The intercultural learning needs ofsecond generation migrants are not met, their understanding of each other is poor andcivic spirit within the communities is low. Partner organisations promoting interculturaldialogue are facing difficulties in developing cultural events that stimulate dialogue andintegration.The project of Research-Action Learn About Us Through Culture, will be based on anactive learning processes employing the four pillars of education methodology (learningto know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be). The project willenable people from these urban local communities to enter or re-enter the educationalsphere; to access LLL opportunities adapted to their intercultural learning needs; todevelop social cohesion by improving their interpersonal, intercultural and socialcompetences. The project will demonstrate the need for the development of ICD withinEuropean local communities.The three phases of the project will be implemented by the target group itself and staffof organizations promoting ICD. They include analysis of intercultural learning needsand development of an EU level strategy and methodology for cultural events;implementation of the EU parcours of cultural events, employing the strategy andmethodology developed; evaluation and dissemination of the strategy and methodologydeveloped into good practices through the creation of materials and organisation of anEU level seminar.

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6 Partners Participants