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Leaders of change – mentorship program for entrepreneurial leaders in local communities
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Why this project is necessary?We answer by this project especially on two European Commission document "Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan" formulated needs:described as Action Pillar 1 and Action Pillar 3 to the EU Action Pillar 1, it was stated that investing in entrepreneurship education is one of the highest return investments Europe can make. People who benefit from entrepreneurial learning, develop business knowledge and essential skills and attitudes including creativity, initiative, tenacity, teamwork, understanding of risk and a sense of responsibility. This is the entrepreneurial mind-set that helps entrepreneurs transform ideas into action and also significantly increases employability.(EU ACTION PILLAR 1 – ENTREPRENEURIAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING TO SUPPORT GROWTH AND BUSINESS CREATION)The report went on to say that "Europe has a limited number of known entrepreneurial success stories. This is due to the fact that entrepreneurship has not been celebrated as a preferred career path” Despite the fact that entrepreneurs create jobs and power the economy their successes are not presented as role models in the media. For some people, this makes an entrepreneurial career rank rather low in the list of attractive professions and it is a deterrent to those who might want to become entrepreneurs.An important element to change the entrepreneurial culture is thus a change in the perception of entrepreneurs through practical and positive communication about the achievements of entrepreneurs, their value to society and the opportunities of new businesscreation or acquisition as a career destination. To achieve this, their visibility as role models must be stepped up, taking into account the diversity of entrepreneurial profiles and paths to success. Clear and engaging information on the challenges and rewards of an entrepreneurial career can counteract negative impressions. (EU ACTION PILLAR 3 – ROLE MODELS AND REACHING OUT TO SPECIFIC GROUPS)Project description:Target group will be adults who look for job, change jobs, lose their jobs, as well as micro and small entrepreneurs, who are not successful in their business; These people are looking for new opportunities for personal development, which will translate into changes in their life and a new career prospects.Main project activities:About 7-10 persons will be recruited from project target group and from partner countries. These persons will serve as future leaders of change. They will participate in the following programmes:- in each country each project partner organization will organize the meetings – trainings/ workshops – for the leaders which will in turn be mentors (trainers from the partner organization)- in each country each project partner will organize an international meetings for the leaders with a view to exchanging of experience with other leaders and entrepreneurs from partner countries who are successful in their own businesses.- at the same time when the leaders are having their meeting, there will be an international meeting of mentors, participating in their own program.- on their return from international meetings, leaders will organize in their regions\ or communities separate meetings with the target group (adult entrepreneurs) under the tutelage and support of mentors from partner organization and become advocates of the new routes/ changes in their local environments. They will become "the face of entrepreneurship" intheir communitiess. Their role will be to promote the value of entrepreneurship tosociety, emphasise the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills andexperiences in education, and highlight entrepreneurship as a career opportunity. Together with the mentor, leaders will develop an idea for further actions in the region, in collaboration with partner organizations.The effect/result of the project:-the leaders of change, with the assistance of mentors from partner organisations, will form "Mentors Club of micro and small businesses". At the end of the project, these Clubs will continue to operate in accordance with the methodology and strategies developed during the project and will be supported by partner organisations.The intellectual output of the project:- the path of leaders of change led by a mentor developed by mentors from partner organisations, on the basis of an exchange of experience, learning from each other, share experiences, icluding the idea of The Mentors Club of micro and small business methodology

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