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Leader Training Seminar "Lidera Naturalis"
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Leader Training Seminar "Lidera Naturalis" was a 8 day training course, which took place from 19th to 27th of September 2015 in the natural environment of Hungary in the town of Szeged. Training course, organized by Youth for Participation Association as applicant and hosting organization gathered 24 youth workers from 10 different organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Germany. The training was facilitated by 3 experienced trainers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Hungary and supported with 3 members of international logistic team. The main aim of this training course was to develop young people’s skills and competences for successful leadership of outdoor volunteering activities, initiatives and projects that support healthy life styles and sport. With this project, we aimed to equip participants with abilities to initiate, develop, prepare, implement and evaluate an independent youth volunteering initiative or project that includes outdoor and sportive activities. With this training course through interactive and creative methodology and tools of non-formal education, we increased participants’ and their peers abilities to develop, increase and promote healthy life styles and positive social values through volunteering programs as workcamps and youth/volunteer exchanges. As the venue of the training course was natural surrounding, we gave special attention to the topics that are not developed enough in everyday lives of young people such as: environment protection, healthy and organic food, sport and outdoors activities as the tool for healthy life, positive approach, anger and stress control. It is an unique compound of volunteering in the service of promoting and developing healthy life styles in youth and empowering youth activism. Also, with new ideas and motivation, we wanted to inspire the young people to be good example and pass the positive and healthy behaviours to their peers and their very own communities. During this training we created the space for planning future mutual projects and cooperation between young people from different countries of Europe and gave strong support to developing international network of young people who will and already made the positive change both on local and global level. With this project, we aim to empower participants to promote and practice healthy life style and outdoor sportive activities during their volunteer activities, but also to spread that idea and practice in their local communities to other young people with help of international volunteers. Volunteering contributes to young people positive social values (such as cohesion, tolerance, and cooperation) as well as to their employability and entrepreneurship through specific skills and experiences they will gain when volunteering, as well as to their creativity through various volunteer projects where they can develop themselves both personally and professionally. We wanted to facilitate the cooperation between young people from Europe through outdoor volunteering and provide them chance to increase the awareness of healthy life styles within their peers on long-term basis.
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