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Lazio Visivo
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lazio Visivo is a partnership of two organisations under the leadership of Visioni Sociali of Rome and a training organisation from Malta working together in two rounds of training mobilities for members and staff working on adult education.The project activities consist of two cycles of mobility of social workers, volunteers, management and training in adult education of Visioni Sociali to Malta where the participants will acquire knowledge, competences and personal professional development in scenario building, foresight techniques, future oriented strategies to ensure sustainability of activities even in non-commercial activities in adult education, vision for internationalisation and readiness for growth. They will also learn how to use resources like the Fund Fishing Kit created by VisMedNet of Malta as part of its activities in development of training content on sustainability in small and non-commercial organisations. Tools engaged in the course will include :- scenario building and foresight tools and techniques,- profile development and digital footprint generation for organisations operating in adult education (youth, culture and the social sector),- development of audiences and followership, community building strategies and- techniques for internationalisation mindset of visibility or action for growth even in the case of strictly local operations Visivo is a one year long learning process with preparatory activities prior to each of the two mobilities and follow up.The participants in the first mobility will therefore take part in a forum prior to the first mobility and then, by way of follow up, they will carry out local pilot activities involving other members of staff that have not taken part in the mobility but including the participants in the second training. In these local pilot activities that are follow up to the first mobility and preparation to the second there will be the draft basic design of scenarios and plan for the future of adult education in the community within which Visioni Sociali operates, identification of avenues for internationalisation and cross border partnerships. During the second training mobility the participants will bring the results of the local pilot activities and this will be analysed, revisited and refined as part of the delivery of the training. The final follow up will put the plan in action involving local players in Rome and Lazio region who partake of the adult education scene.During the mobilities the participants will meet local players in adult education in Malta and Gozo making the project as a whole a learning experience in structured, strategic and productive networking experience.The participants and Visioni Sociali will, during the project lifetime, take part in a process of validation of learning process in order that individuals and organisation can be made aware of the knowledge acquired, the competences learnt and the growth experienced as a result of Lazio Visivo. VisMedNet Association will run this process throughout the whole project.This project is in part an exploitation of results of a past GRU LDV project involving stakeholders including City Councils, NGOs working in culture and training with disadvantaged groups and this project has included this target group within its audience segments given that members and staff of Visioni Sociali work with individuals in need of support due to geographical, social, economic and educational challenges.

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1 Partners Participants