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Large X-ray Detectors for Coloured X-ray Imaging (LACX)
Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"This proposal addresses the development of large x-ray detectors combined with photon counting read-out electronics to provide information on the energy of the absorbed x-ray photons that will help doctors improve their diagnosis and could lead to a reduction of radiation for patients. The requirements for such X-ray detectors can only be met by semiconductor detectors. They provide high efficiency and high spatial resolution because semiconductors convert radiation directly into charge carriers. Although real progress has been made over the past years in the development of microelectronics and in material engineering resulting in novel devices, these improvements are not sufficient for the production of semiconductor detectors for large area x-ray imaging. The dramatic improvement of readout electronics with resolution down to 55µm pitch in combination with high sensitive Photon Counting readout electronics that has been achieved recently opens the route to semiconductor detectors with a significant improvement figure of merit (high resolution & high sensitivity). The development of X-ray sensors is focused on CdTe and (Cd,Zn)Te which combine high sensitivity (high mobility lifetime products), high energy resolution (electron-hole-pair energy 4.41 eV), and sufficiently advanced micro-electronic technology. (Cd,Zn)Te sensors can operate at ambient temperatures and the material is chemically stable up to 1000 oC. However, despite the clear potential of CZT technology for large area sensors no such system is presently available on the market. A possible solution to overcome these limitations is the deposition of CZT thick films with the required detector performance. This proposal involves 2 partners who intend to strengthen their collaboration in this field through a structured exchange of expertise that will benefit them directly as well as end users of the technology that they will develop."

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1 Partners Participants