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Large streams from little fountains flow
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Looking at the social and economical situation, we agreed on the fact that employability must be worked throughout the compulsory education, pupils to be able to find, maintain and improve a job in their future. This project is a way to develop six main specific skills with our students, preparing them for the future labour market, but also to enlarge our pedagogical practice and our own professional competences, using these main skills to product and share innovative methodologies. The European cooperation, and by this way the meeting of different educative systems, will help us improve our future cooperation both as teachers and as future workers, speaking foreign language in a meaningful way and developing a constant awareness of ICT possibilities. Our experiment sharing is not going to stay between our partnership because intellectual outputs will be created and broadcast. This project gather together seven partners from Spain (main coordinator), France, Poland, Italy, Germany, Cyprus and United Kingdom. Four of them have been working previously together on a common project. We have designed the three years project around teachers training, transnational mobilities and learning workshop and teacher’s seminars. During the first year of the project (2015/2016), there will be one course per term. Each school will send at least two teachers who will have to develop a seminar in their own school about what they learnt. The courses are held in UK, Cyprus and France, and are related to problem based learning, entrepreneurship and developing creative thinking. During the second (2016/2017) and third (2017/2018) years of the project we will develop six tasks in total, working on skills closely linked to employability (creativity, problem solving, creative thinking, communication, well being, respect, team, workorganisation, health). There will be seven transnational meetings in which pupils travelling from all the schools will work on common activities in collaboration with pupils from foreign schools, showing what they have learned with the developed task. Moreover, apart from using these meetings to evaluate and organize the next steps of the project, the hosting teachers will develop a seminar about how to we work a specific key competence. Through the tasks, pupils will create a pupet using different elements of the traditional dresses of the other countries,;build typical buildings using LEGO, organizing their work to plan how to do it; write a story in collaboration with the other countries and read it to other students; cook a traditional dish of every country and create an exposiction expressing their emotions after listening to traditional songs of all the countries, among others. Assessment and dissemination are two or our main concerns while doing the project. All the people involved, meaning parents, teachers and pupils, will evaluate and disseminate what has been done through different media. Concerning the impact, we can envisage the results in two ways. First, the concrete and immediate ones, throughout the two final products we’re going to create (a website with all the resources and a book compelling all the key competences seminars) and, for students and teachers, the use of English in a meaningful way. Then, the invisibles and long terms ones, throughout the improvement of our students’ employability, being made sensitive to creativity, problem solving and critical thinking, emotional intelligence, organization skills, respect of the differences and communication. At the end, this experience should increase for everybody the feeling of being part of the same Europe considering our differences as possibilities to learn better and to be in keeping with today’s society.
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6 Partners Participants