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lanning as culture in Europe Learning from differences in planning related to the cultural context (CULTPLAN)
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Problem description:• Contrasts in planning cultures (e.g. different perceptions of planning systems and processes, different planning traditions, different decision making systems) are one of the main obstacles in realizing genuine cross-border, trans-national and interregional co-operation in INTERREG III• Need of (future) players (regions, etc.) who wish to involve themselves in cooperation for methods and starting points on managing cultural differences in (further) INTERREG initiatives• Role of cultural context in INTERREG planning processes is underexposed in activities of INTERACT points and INTERACT secretariatObjectives of the project:• To articulate and exchange best practices of how differences in planning culture in INTERREG III programme and projects are managed• To formulate conclusions and recommendations for managing cultural differences in INTERREG initiatives and international planning processes (to bridge differences in planning cultures) to contribute to the successfulness of the INTERREG III programme and projects• To disseminate in different ways (report, website, etc.) information on managing cultural differences in INTERREG initiatives to INTERREG III project managers and promoters, coordination officers (INTERREG secretariats and INTERACT points and secretariat) and policy makers (EU, national and regional) to contribute to realizing true cross-border (strand A), trans-national (strand B) and interregional (strand C) cooperation in the international initiatives such as INTERREG projects and will enhance future involvement of players who wish to involve themselves in cooperation. Approach and Methodology:By means of an analytic framework, there will be an analysis of INTERREG III projects focussing on the influence of the cultural context on planning processes in order to formulate best practices and recommendations on managing cultural differences in international planning processes. This information will be complementary to the activities of INTERACT points and the INTERACT secretariat. Dissemination of this knowledge will contribute to realizing true cross-border (strand A), trans-national (strand B) and interregional (strand C) cooperation in INTERREG programmes and projects and will enhance future involvement of players who wish to involve themselves in cooperation. Main activities are: Management and Coordination of the Project, Inception Phase, Overall study planning cultures in Europe, Articulating an analytical framework, Selection of relevant and representative INTERREG III projects, Analysing INTERREG III projects (in a cross cultural way), Drawing up conclusions and formulating recommendations, Dissemination experiences and knowledge and Evaluation of the project Expected Results: The main results of the project are best practices, conclusions and recommendations (methods, starting points, tools, etc.) on how to manage cultural differences in international planning processes. These results will be disseminated in various ways and with different kinds of media (e.g. website, flyer, newsletter, report, and brochure). The impact of the dissemination of the obtained knowledge and insights is better cross-border, transnational and interregional co-operation between international partners and will make it easier for (future) players to get involved in INTERREG initiatives.

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  • 50%   405 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interact I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

4 Partners Participants