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Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

The aim of the project is to further disseminate “Languages meet Sport” (L&S) projects and transfer results to Regional and Minority Languages (RML) by organising a Festival of RML through Sports. “L&S” was launched in 2009 to share European projects on language learning and sports. It was supported by the LLKA4 Program and produced a very successful Conference: over 200 delegates from all over Europe and 40 projects presented. In 2010 “Languages meet sport 2” proved to be self sustainable and was organised with the support of the Municipality of Trieste and Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG): besides the Conference, a “best practice in action” was organized in the main city square and 300 children from Italian and Slovenian schools met with children from Sarajevo (INTER Campus) and London (ARSENAL Double Club). The present project aims to valorise the results achieved to now and transfer them to new target users in the field of minority and regional languages. The Region FVG, which strongly supports the regional and minority Languages of the area will support the organisation of the L&S 2011 Festival where participants from different European communities will present best practices in learning RML through sports. Project objectives: • Promote awareness on the richness of European linguistic diversity • Promote the learning of RML through sports • Share best practices in the sector • Mainstream L&S results in Education practices • Promote “Languages meet Sport” on Social Networks Project outputs: • L&S Festival of RML through sports • Workshops, Sport Sessions and Panels • L&S on Social Networks Project target users are schools and universities, junior and senior sport clubs and associations involved in the promotion of learning regional and minority languages through sports. Target Languages: L&S 2009 - 2010 projects: Italian, Slovenian, English, German, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Hungarian, Finnish L&S 2011 projects: Friulian, Galician, Catalan, Gaelic.
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  •   109 000,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LANGUAGES (KEY ACTIVITY 2)\Accompanying measures
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform