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Language, Literacy and Internationalism
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is based on our school's priorities of raising the attainment of all our pupils, closing the gap in attainment and giving our pupils the best opportunities. We want to improve the teaching of languages in our school and also look for ways of linking language teaching to Literacy in order to improve our children's literacy by revisiting concepts and broadening their vocabulary through the discovery of new words and their relationship to the foreign language. We will look at ways of sharing effective teaching methodology. For example we hope to introduce "talk for writing" into our teaching of foreign languages. We want to make our teaching in general more cross curricular and to bring in aspects of internationalism to every subject area. We plan to improve our language teaching throughout the school by involving 14 members of staff in taking part in training courses in France which will greatly improve their language and intercultural knowledge, give them lots of new teaching ideas and also familiarise them with many of the issues to do with primary language teaching. They will have lots of opportunity for discussion of these issues. The teachers involved will spend time in a French primary school becoming familiar with the French education system and building good relationships with their French colleagues. This will lead to regular contact between children using eTwinning. We hope that this project will lead to the embedding of internationalism throughout our school and our pupils having a very positive first experience of language learning. We hope in the long term that it will increase their aspirations and opportunities for the future.

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