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Laboratorní a mlékárenská praxe studentů, absolventů a pracovníků VOŠP a SPŠM Kroměříž ve Spojeném království
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project has emerged from previous excellent experiences with Leonardo da Vinci programme (individual placements in the Netherlands) and on the grounds of our need to offer a good quality practical training abroad to our students, graduates and staff. The initial idea appeared during our project manager´s language course in the UK in 2011 (Comenius)-first contacts obtained. In compliance with the aims the participants have enhanced their English language and vocational competences, have been introduced a common laboratory and food/dairy technology training in educational institution of a similar kind in the UK. They have got acquainted with the overall dairy technology process (starting at animal welfare and milking through processing, storage and final lab testing). The participants have enhanced and acquired professional terminology, verified their key laboratory and food technology competences. Concurrently, their self-confidence and English language readiness have been improved, as well as interest in the branch of study. Moreover, need for lifelong learning has been incorporated in their lives and they have also attracted new students. We assume we have developed the quality of education in our school, provided well-prepared graduates for labour market and made first steps to regain lost credit of the school. There were 20 participants in two runs in three activities: 13 Food Analysis Secondary school students from graduating class (VET learners in vocational institutes), 5 Technology and Food Hygiene Higher Vocational School students (VET learners in companies) and 2 staff members-dairy technology and English language teacher (Staff training abroad). There were 3 organizations involved: VOŠP and SPŠM Kroměříž, Czech Republic, Global Agri Food Summer School, UK, and Reaseheath College, UK. Their cooperation was established on proper contract documents. Both student activities were based on ECVET-Unit of Learning Outcome, which was evaluated by all organizations and on the grounds of Europass Mobility document the activities were validated and acknowledged as a compulsory practical training. The project realization included a preparatory vocational, English language, organizational and cultural seminars. Based on the results of evaluation, in all 3 activities the participants have improved their vocational, professional and English language competences, communicative, interpersonal skills and have gained new approaches and information. The project has impacted individual participants (in terms of vocation, English language, communication, raised self-confidence, need for lifelong learning, inspiration for potential students, enhanced position on labour market and in foreign companies, willingness to accept new challenges). Further on, the organizations involved have been effected (VOŠP a SPŠM Kroměříž: implementation of ECVET tool, implementation of new teaching materials in vocational and cross-curricular education, positive transfer from project participants to students and school staff, 3 job shadowings realized with Reaseheath College within Ministry of Education Appeal No 56, graduates´ enhanced vocational and language competences for labour market, regained credit and position of the school within local and regional educational institutions, developed cooperation with GAFSS and Reaseheath College; GASSF: intensified cooperation with Reaseheath College and VOŠP a SPŠM Kroměříž, Central European Space open for cooperation; Reaseheath College: positive feedback, 3 Czech teachers welcomed for job shadowing, practical training planned for Reaseheath students and staff at VOŠP a SPŠM Kroměříž). The output of the project includes handouts, presentations and brochure used in educational process, and a CD with photos, presentations and articles for school promotion. Dissemination included students´ presentation about their stay at Reaseheath, articles and materials for the school website, articles for Zlín region educational website and our students´ magazine Fresh Milk. Further on, articles for local and professional printed press. Asset of the project lies within enhanced English language and vocational competences of students and staff, motivation for further study and work, initiated and developed cooperation with Reaseheath College and GAFSS, UK, and ECVET tool implemented in our school. Final exams at the school (school-leaving exam and higher vocational school graduation) proved that our students´ skills and competences can meet needs of prosperous employers both in the Czech Republic and abroad. During our student´s mobility in UK our future diploma specialists were offered a food technology job in the UK. We believe we have contributed positively to school´s image, increased interest to study at the school and initiated first steps to regain lost credit of the school. Relations established with reliable and high-quality foreign partners are considered to be of a long-term benefit.
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3 Partners Participants