European Projects
Laaja-alainen osaaminen ja kestävä tulevaisuus kan..
Laaja-alainen osaaminen ja kestävä tulevaisuus kansainvälisessä viitekehyksessä
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2018
Joensuun normaalikoulu, the University Teacher Training School, JNOR, is the teacher training school of the University of Eastern Finland. In addition to basic education it is responsible for organizing the teacher training periods of classroom, subject and special needs teachers. The school also realizes pedagogical research, experiment and development work. JNOR belongs to eNorssi national network for all Finnish teacher training schools. The network is an active partner of the National Board of Education. Our school is a UNESCO school and a member of the Learning Teacher Network (LTN) the aim of which is to promote sustainable future in education.This project continues the Erasmus+ KA1 projects from 2014-2016 and 2015-2017. The projects have turned out to be very successful, so the aim of this new project is to continue international cooperation and in-service training for teachers and intensify and develop the implementation of the new curriculum 2016. The curriculum work for the high school will benefit from the international conferences and training sessions. In addition, our goal is to disseminate the pedagogical skills and knowledge that we have for education for sustainable future studies, as well as the research done by our teachers. We also aim at international networking and finding new partners through eTwinning and KA2-projects. During this project there will be 15 mobilities. Ten mobilities will be realized by taking part in LTN conferences in Tallinn 2016 and Palermo 2017. The theme of these conferences is education for sustainable future. Ms Hokkanen is the high school principal, Ms Haring, Ms Kukkonen and Ms Vesala are class teachers and Ms Kuusimäki and Ms Mikkola are English teachers. They all are also teacher trainers. In the Tallinn conference Haring, Kukkonen, Kuusimäki and Vesala will have a workshop on teaching for sustainable future as a part of cross-curricular themes. The core areas of sustainable future are the ecological, social, cultural and economical aspects which will be realized through multidisciplinary learning units. The teaching for sustainable future is a systematic part of teaching practice and enables spreading the ideas to future teachers. The same group of teachers is planning to offer a second workshop on the same theme at the Palermo conference. Ms Hokkanen, the high school principal, is the representative of the school leadership as well as the high school curriculum group at the conference. Ms Mikkola will participate at both conferences as the international coordinator in order to network with other conference participants. ICT skills, foreign languages, global education and skills for expressing in different languages through drama are also areas of cross-curricular themes. The mobilities of this project support the yhese pedagogical skills. Mr Forsström and another teacher, will participate in the 10th Pan-Hellenic and International Conference 'ICT in Education' in Greece 2016. Ms Laittila, teacher of Russian and English, will participate in the 'ICT in Language Learning' conference in Italy in 2017. Ms Vähä, teacher of history and social studies, will participate in teacher trainers' global 2016 ATEE Annual Conference - Educating the Best Teachers: a Challenge for Teacher Education, in the Netherlands. Both Laittila and Vähä will give a presentation on their doctoral research themes. Ms Lehikoinen-Suviranta, teacher in mother tongue, literature, drama and Finnish as a foreign language, will participate a course Boal´s Methodology in Education in Croatia in 2017.International networking is one of the aims of internationalization strategy at the University of Eastern Finland as well as the JNOR. In addition to eTwinning contacts, these mobilities enable the participants to create new international contacts as well as strengthen the existing ones. As a university teacher training school we can disseminate our knowledge and competences both locally in inservice training sessions organized by JNOR and nationally through the eNorssi network.As a result of this project - the international networking of the school will develop and increase- the increased professional skills of teachers will benefit the pupils, students and teacher trainees- the implementation, application and further development of the new curriculum will be intensified- the aim of the cross-curricular skills will be realized more efficiently- the school will systematically put into practice the education for sustainable future- the school has a chance to demonstrate the Finnish pedagogical strength, tutoring in teacher training and educational research in international forums- JNOR has a chance to increase and strengthen the competencies of other educational institutionsThe long term benefits are the practical applications for teaching about sustainable future. The final aim is to give pupils, students and future teachers tools and attitudes for sustainable lifestyle.