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LA1 Erasmus+ Mobilitäten BK Viersen 2016-2018
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vocational college Viersen is a "European-certified" School in North Rhine-Westphalia. The internationalisation with focus on Europe is a fundamental objective of the school program. For the school year 2015/2016, the European team of the school has agreed to initiate new mobilities as an objective. In this context the proposal and approval of an ERASMUS+ KA. 2 application has also been carried out.The exchange programme with the school Västervik in Sweden in the field of electrical engineering, which has been established for now two decades, will be continued with ten (plus one) applications for mobility. Six other mobilities are applied in the fields of business and administration, metal technology and social and health care. They can be regarded as initial mobilities in these departments - it is envisaged to increase the number of mobilities in further educational programs of these departments for future ERASMUS+ application rounds.Five applications for mobility are used for educational staff. The aim is to explore the conditions of the various education systems in the partner countries and within new partner institution. In addition, it is important to enable training staff to manage the modalities and to acquire new mobilities.The mobilities in the electrical and metal technical education courses relate to a total of twelve trainees in the dual system. During their stay in the host countries Sweden and the Czech Republic they will gain experience in a different system of vocational training. The participants in the projects then know both systems and are able to take a position regarding the advantages and disadvantages of each system.With a total of four mobilities in the Department of Business and Administration and the Department for Health Care the trainees are serving their mandatory internships in these programmes. Because the internship is taking place beyond their familiar education and environment, the sum of the experiences, insights and acquired abilities and skills gained during the internship will be far more manifold compared to an internship in the home country.A stay abroad inevitably requires either the use of a foreign language, even if it is not the host country, and / or other communication. The listening comprehension of a previously, probably in the school context learned language is sharpened by the internship, the use of the language as well as the vocabulary are being simplified. A stay abroad promotes foreign language and communication skills of the participants and can therefore also lead to improved academic performance.In addition to the professional and language-related skills an increase of the soft skills takes place. In dealing with people from different countries and by staying in a different cultural radius attitudes and behavior can be changed. The initially as strange regarded circumstances are increasingly seen as diversity and enrichment. By sharing views and opinions with people in the host country the intercultural competence is increased. Increasing curiosity and change in tolerance behavior have a positive effect on the development of the personality structure.All mobilities have in common that the trainees are performing their internship in private enterprises or public, non-profit organisations. The duration will be limited to 14 days. For all projects the application procedure includes the expression of the motives and goals in terms of participation in mobility for all participants. During the placements, participants gain professional or job-related knowledge and skills taking country-specific characteristics into account. The trainees of the electrical engineering are accompanied and supervised by educational staff of the BK Viersen. For the other mobilities the monitoring is being realised by education staff of the respective partner institutions.A documentary will be prepared by each trainee afterwards and presented within the respective department. This way further learners are encouraged to participate in mobility projects.The long-term benefits to the trainees will be an increase of diverse skills that lead to improved occupational competence and advanced personal skills.Through additional mobility projects the Vocational School of Viersen quantitatively expands the educational area and the provision of advanced education. An advanced training program is often rated as improved education, which is in the interest of a school.
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