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La Nordic Food : une Danish experience
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Gabriel Deshayes vocational high school organise for the first time a training project in Denmark for 24 Stales students in their final school year. These students will go for a three-week internship between September and October 2016 in Roskilde. They will attend courses at the Danish Meat Trade College of the Roskilde Business School as well as a training period in food superstores. The objective is to make students aware of their belonging to the European Union while discovering the Danish culture (Nordic Food) and put into practice their professional competencies they learned in France. The internships will develop the student’s autonomy, mobility, open-mindedness and their sense of belonging to a European citizenship. The project will help student to strengthen confidence. The will take control of their professional project and choose postsecondary studies towards highly skilled jobs. The project is also the high school’s ambition to continue and develop exchanges and cooperation with European schools. It has already started in 2005 with Comenius partnerships. The high school wants to keep a professional dimension to its exchanges and develop at the same time the internationalisation of its trainings. The project is prepared with our Danish partner during a preparatory visit in December 2014 in Roskilde. Teachers met the Business School‘s counterparts. From September 2015 the students will be prepared to the internship during their Première class. The will attend specific courses until the eve of the departure in September 2016. The project team will also prepare the stay in all its aspects in association with the Danish partner. After their return, student and teachers work on the communication of the project’s results: slideshow, evening return, cooking courses, etc. The participants will be evaluated during their internship. The objectives are including the development of competencies in the following areas: to adapt selling techniques to a foreign customer, to gain autonomy, mobility, to develop self-confidence, to practice English knowledge, tu understand a European culture. For the high schools the objectives are including: help students to control their own life, to value the vocational pathway in Sales and Marketing, to open the mobility to other vocational streams like social and healthcare students as well as teachers, to develop different educational methods and practices. For the partner schools, the objectives are: to renew and diversify their European networks, to discover the French culture and different professional practices, to promote the Nordic Food. For the Danish companies which receive the students the objective is to develop an international image, to transmit their expertise. We will evaluate the impacts of the mobility with surveys among every actors of the project. Thus we will be able to measure the objective’s achievements and be able to enhance the project in order to ensure the partnership remains. In the future we expect reciprocity by welcoming Danish students in our professional network, and we consider the inclusion of our social and healthcare students in the project. The participation in the Erasmus+ program is the opportunity for the Gabriel Deshayes’ students to get an opening to Europe and get to know the European actions toward youth. It is important for the students to be aware of the Europe Union’s commitment for youth.
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