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La musica, un ponte tra popoli
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project idea comes from the willness to activate in a responsible and structured way eight youth realities through the common passion for music. The main objectives are to offer the participants (from: Italy, Slovenia, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro) the opportunity to undergo a concrete experience of coexistence and dialogue between cultures through musical language and to promote the acquisition of innovative musical skills, through the relation with people equipped with different cultural backgrounds. After a preliminary organization/coordination phase within the partner, there will be the selection of a total of 35 participants (5 per country), with not less than 13 years old, + 7 group leader ( 1 per country) through a proper call. They will be both male or female independently from their background,ethnic or religious group, sexual orientation,political, etc. but with a strong inclination for social relation, communicative skills, flexibility, passion and knowledge toward the musical field.The youth exchange will be held from the 3rd until the 10th of September in Italy in the medieval city of Bertinoro (up hills, in the Emilia romagna region). The hosting structure will be a universitary centre located in a very suggestive area, provided with both indoor and outdoor well equipped spaces.During the six activities day, the group leaders will facilitate the relation between the participiants and will lead them understanding each other cultural background through non formal education methods, paying special attention to balance the activities scheduled: outdoor and indoor, ricreative and theoretical laboratories, break and reflection/reflessive moments. The common thread will be the declination of the music concept in the different country involved in the exchange.There will be a final presentation/show within the hosting community in order to let the participant elaborate their learning outcomes and in the mean time disseminate and share the project results.The expected impact on the participants is not just the acquisition of technical and linguistic skills, but also the capacity to work in a team and to express their own and constructive opinions/point of views in a multicultural context. In relation with long term effect, the expected impact at regional, national and european level is to create and strenghten cooperation between EU and not EU countries in order to stimulate them to take action (through ad hoc politics) towards the recognition of youth potentialities in their social communities.

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