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La movilidad académica y laboral de los jóvenes en la Unión Europea.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Although the legal and institutional framework of the EU favours labour and academic mobility between Member States, there are still prevalent barriers and obstacles of various kinds which prevent their optimal use. In the specific case of upper secondary schools, students do not generally know much about the mobility in the EU. This makes it necessary, then, to make a more effective effort regarding the dissemination of the opportunities offered by the European integration project. The main objectives to be achieved are: - Promoting the employability of young people leaving the education system. - Promoting awareness of the possibilities of academic progression and employment opportunities in Europe. - Establishing a permanent network of contacts with educational and laboural institutions to enhance mobility within Europe . The project will involve only secondary schools in four countries and at least 5 teachers per centre will participate directly; some of them are specialists in the areas related to the project, but also teachers linked to other departments will be involved to strengthen its cross-disciplinary nature. In addition , several members have previous experience in this type of projects (Comenius). The set of intellectual products includes the following ones: - descriptive report on European mobility and the degree of knowledge young people have about mobility possibilities; - informative guide on educational and labour mobility for young people in the EU; - creation of a website to share and work on the main results of the project; - orientation planning about mobility in Europe carried on by the school counseling departments;. - constitution of information offices in the participating schools. Additionally, the following multipliers events will take place in each participating school: roundtables with people linked to youth mobility in the EU and seminars on European mobility open to the entire community. The events will see the participation of representatives of institutions that want to establish a permanent network of contacts as well as those responsible for the professional guidance in the educational sector . Finally , the students will experience exchanges for short periods, coinciding with the transnational project meetings, where they will actively participate in working sessions aimed at the development of the activities proposed by the project, the improvement of foreign language competences and a cultural “immersion” in the other partners’ countries. The development of the project will be based on a strategy of collaborative work. It includes various international meetings , as well as short-term exchanges of groups of students, in which the basis for the development of different products and events will be seated. In these meetings we will discuss collectively about the degree of progress in the development of the project and define protocols for the following phases. During the remaining time and for the ongoing activities regarding the effective production of the intellectual outputs, we will work in a coordinated manner, taking advantage of the potential offered by ICTs . The project will have a significant positive impact on the participating students as the experience will enable them to face with more “guarantees” their own academic and professional development. Participating schools will also benefit from the project’s implementation as it will also see the inclusion of innovative teaching practices to address the treatment of the contents of educational programmes (Social Studies, Economy, Law, English, ICT, Maths – Statistics, ...). Moreover, one of the intellectual outputs of the project will provide a planning for improving the task of labour and higher education guidance in the last years of secondary education. Moreover, through the dissemination of informative materials and the different selected channels, it will be ensured that the project's impact will not remain confined only to the participating schools, but it will be useful to different groups, especially young people from other centers and the various institutions involved in the European mobility. In the long term, it is expected that both educational and labour mobility will increase as regards the involved schools and those in the same areas. To get this, both the products resulting from the project and the establishment of a permanent network of connections with agencies that promote mobility will be of relevant utility.

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