Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will provide mobility sessions for staff of the National Education board. The study programs will last two weeks during school breaks (spring, winter, autumn and summer) and will include a language component. This duration could be reduced to one week for headmasters and for those who are less available. The study programs must not deprive the schools of their staff; we have very little latitude with regards to the duration and periods of the program, given that they revolve around the school calendar. Even if the length might seem of short duration, immersion is an effective experience which we can capitalized doing diffusion actions. Note that the participants tend to apply themselves to a high degree, as they do not hesitate to be away from their relatives during the breaks to follow these study program which have them so motivated. We have decided to cooperate with intermediary organizations to research companies and lodging or, more rarely, with academic partners. These methods allow us to provide high-quality options adapted to each group, at a reasonable price. We current lack a sufficiently wide-spread network to act in person, notably with regard to companies and host families. Throughout the years, we have formed cooperative relations with contractors who have participated in our project and have gained the expected experience. The European Resource Centre’s audits made by the assignment manager, Michelle Moquin, have helped to stabilize the partnership, however, the direction and adjustments to be made are considered on a case by case basis. These adjustments are considered at regular results review meetings of the mobility group in collaboration with the steering committee with the objective being to respond to the needs of the teachers and bill of specifications. After each session we negotiate the conditions with the contractors, cost, specifications, project summary and overall contract. The idea of requiring that the teachers themselves search for a location has been studied with interest, but it cannot be put in place at this time due to the amount of work involved. Number and profile of participants: This project is aimed at staff in professional areas (we foresee 35 sessions being hosted in six different countries). In effect, the sustainability of these student mobility projects will require a team with diverse specialties chosen to cover all of the required competencies, sharing amongst organizations, and anticipate staff rotation. In the past, their initial training has not always prepared them for the international demands put up on them. With experience, and in forming groups composed of people with different backgrounds and skills, the approaches taken are reinforced, smoothing the process. Project management methodology: a/ Quantitative aspects (tables and charts monitoring indicator) - Interest in the program: number of participants by country and by session; - impact on the creation of European sections and the establishment of student mobility; - Number of participants with DNL certification (in line with the SIEC which manages the exam); - Financial review: an Excel tool reconciling all receipts (in correspondence with the GIP-FCIP accounting service) b/ Qualitative aspects: - synthesis of studies and reports submitted by the participants (see annexe Evaluation CRE); - Details of the review meetings held by the referring inspector; - conclusions of the steering committee; - report by the DAREIC regarding the international opening of the LP; - comments and advice of language teachers and headmasters on the professors; - Reviews with intermediary organizations at the end of each session. The expected results are to strengthen vocational training in a weakened European context: • development of mobility projects and school partnerships • improved skills in organizing student mobility through a transposable experience. • development of innovative teaching practices integrating an open Europe and encouraging teamwork. • integration into a different professional culture and foreign language while learning a specialty Envisaged long term impacts and benefits: This project contributes to the promotion and recognition of the teaching profession. After 8 years with hindsight in these areas, the results motivate us to move this program forward. Our work up to now has provided: - Changes in the types of participants: management staff or teachers in the industrial sector, many pair or teams amongst the applicants; - Dynamic academic strengthening of European sections, an excellent framework for student mobility; - The development of a network of educational teams with the CRE at the center.
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