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"La competencia lingüística en la Europa del siglo XXI"
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project has strengthened and given continuity to the educational action taken in the school, promoting the development of linguistic competence in our students, while promoting competition in Portuguese and English. We must emphasize that our institution is diagnosed by the Ministry of Education and Employment of the Junta de Extremadura, Center Preferential Educational Attention, the characteristics of students, families and the environment, in a neighborhood with few social, cultural and economic resources, this makes the Educational School, acquires special significance here, since it is a source of gives them to actions directed towards greater integration of our students, looking for standardization and avoiding premature school leavers ages. And as a consequence the continuation highschool, to achieve a job to prevent marginalization. It is making a great effort from management and faculty, to encourage Language Proficiency as a prerequisite for the acquisition of all other requirement. Based on the importance it gives to reading, from the school library, and thus encourage our student to investigate, search information and to have a taste for reading through documentary projects. These projects are always connected in any way with languages, and especially with the Portuguese language. As with the Erasmus + projects carried out in the school. For our school is very important teacher training, for innovation, we believe it is one of the main pillars of our educational activities, in particular training in Portuguese language teacher, both at training and acquisition of methodologies: - Since our city is located a few kilometers from the Portuguese border, implying possibilities of future work for our students in the neighboring country, and extremeñas companies service that relate to the Portuguese public, who ask their employees the domain of this language, at least for oral communication. - For the families of our center, they do not consider that education is very important, if they give great importance to their children to learn Portuguese, for the reasons mentioned above. Valuing it as very possitive. - Because our center is currently continuously develops activities with Portuguese centers: exchange sport competitions, activities in school libraries, also cultural and knowledge of the traditions and customs activities, and discovery of historical and cultural heritage: release date, excurstions, visits, ... - We granted a bilingual Portuguese section through the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of Extremadura, considering this in 5th and 6th grade primary language and English 2nd. - Having carried out in 2012/13 and 2013/14 courses a Comenius in Portuguese, the only one that has been done in this language and the only bilingual section in Portuguese in Primary, we are proud of the acceptance by the students, teachers and families and their interest in the language. - These projects have allowed us to have working ties and friendship between our educational community and other educational communities of the other centers involved in the project and in different performances with Portugal, as an enrichment and reappraisal of the Rallana culture, allowing now we are staring ahead and working together, when in the last century we still more disputes we stopped and we were back the two countries and neighboring regions (Alentejo and Extremadura). - We also participate in the Comenius Regio Project with Portugal "sem fronteiras Libraries, Libraries without borders", which has created us links with Portuguese schools with whom we have contacts and specific projects. He has enriched us in a special way to the entire educational community. For these reasons from the direction of teacher training center in language and especially in the Portuguese power. The entire faculty is conducting a Project Training Centers, through the CPR de Badajoz, to begin in the use of the Portuguese language, both at A2 level, as in B1. We currently have three teachers with the B2 level, who provide the bilingual section, and one in English B2. For this training it has helped us in a special way this project K101. We hope that gradually they may be forming more teachers. But certainly the other teachers need to complete their knowledge in this language, and we believe that the language immersion in Portuguese or English through a training and power a month they were living in a Portuguese city, involves the acquisition by immersion in language.
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