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L'Europe, source d'enrichissement pédagogique pour les professionnels de la formation et d'acquisition de compétences techniques et linguistiques pour les apprentis
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This candidacy to the Erasmus+ 2016 mobility programme carried by the CFA régional des MFR Rhône-Alpes gathers a consortium of 7 MFR. Two types of actions are concerned and destined to apprentices and vocational training professionals. Since 2012, the CFA des MFR Rhône-Alpes promotes, coordinates and runs European Mobility Programmes. This fifteenth candidacy is set down according to the instigator’s deliberate choice to develop learners and vocational professionals’ mobility in order to open their mind to interculturalism, to Europe and to enrich their professional practice. The 7 MFR are the MFR of La Balme de Sillingy, Vulbens, Bonne sur Menoge, Sallanches Belvédère, in Haute-Savoie; La Grive in Isère; Péronnas in Ain and St Chamond in Loire. They envisage the mobility of 168 apprentices. Among these MFR, three of them think of sending 2 groups at a different time.The MFR of La Balme, Vulbens and Sallanches are planning a trip for the vocational training professionals and the in-company tutors for a total of 36 beneficiaries.Beyond enriching the apprentices’ CVs to be more employable, the aim of this candidacy is to open up the apprentices to the world through the development of key skills such as foreign language communication, adaptability, discovering another culture.For the professionals, the objective is to know the education system of another country, to discover other educational practice, a culture and a socio-economical environment, which is different. Like the apprentices, they are going to live as a foreigner in an unknown country.The apprentices are young people from 15 to 20 years old, often from rural origins. They are doing a vocational training at a BTEC National level in fields like landscape design, horticulture, management and administration, sales, and sales specialized in pet stores. Some of them are part of a European section. However, according to their age, most of them have never experienced mobility. Furthermore, vocational field, especially with the apprentice status, is not the best natural path when it’s a question of mobility. Apprenticeship is not appreciated according to the general public point of view and young people are conscious of it. Worse, some in-company tutors are vehemently opposed against their apprentice’ departure. That is the reason why we are proposing mobility in our vocational training schools so the beneficiaries can increase their interculturalism skills, their self-confidence and self-esteem and their independence. Thanks to their immersion during their 3 weeks internship, they are going to integrate a professional team, which will make them discover and practise other technics, other tools, and other organisational methods. So they will be able to compare with their own practices and analyse them. In this immersion context, they will also probably develop their ability to adapt themselves and, their language skills.Vocational training professionals are trainers in professional or general education, headmasters, and members of the educational staff, and in-company tutors. They work in fields such as sales, management/administration. They will stay a week in Spain or in Slovenia in order to know the educational system of the country, the organisation of vocational training in their field. The numerous planned visits and meetings with their counterpart will allow them to have a productive exchange on the educational subject and on tutorial know-how. This stay will allow them to establish or strengthen their relation towards sustainability. Methodologically speaking, the project activities are managed and allocated between the instigator and the MFR implied. The CFA ensures the promotion, the administrative and financial management, the follow-up and technical support, the control of the project quality and its dissemination. The steering committee, composed of 3 special advisers nominated by the instigator, the CFA des MFR director, the headmasters of each MFR, and, the technical committee, composed of the 3 special advisers and each project referent, plan and supervise all the different phases of the project. In that prospective, numerous meetings are regularly planned.We wish to have an impact on the apprentices and to give them the envy to open themselves to other experiences of that type. We also wish that they would be offered new prospects in terms of mobility. The professionals wish to develop their educational practice, to integrate the question of interculturalism and the feeling of belonging to Europe to their apprentices a bit more.These impacts should be registered in the long run in order to contribute to the development of Europe.
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