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L'Europe dans l'Assiette
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

he people concerned are the pupils that are undertaking their hospitality industry training in our establishment, the “Lycée des Métiers de l’Hôtellerie et des Services – Jules Le Cesne” (The Jules Le Cesne Vocational School for Hospitality and Services). The social dimension of our project becomes particularly pertinent when you take into account the fact that 70% of the young people who attend our establishment are considered to be “socially disadvantaged”. Allowing them to go abroad for free is a bet on the future of their employability, as hospitality is a sector where mobility is important and where the ability to speak modern languages is paramount, however their social situation does not often offer them the opportunity to be mobile. The link between this Leonardo Da Vinci mobility project and the Jules Le Cesne vocational school’s own project is no less relevant today as, within the context of the contract agreement, tackling early school leaving is the main objective of part of the measures taken and the actions carried out within the establishment. There are many specific needs targeted: 1. Optimising the chances of success in the exam by acquiring different work techniques in the professional environment as well as promoting the learning and the use of foreign languages in professional situations. 2. Validating professional techniques by the assessment made through the joint work of the supervisor and the evaluator who fill in/expand on the work experience booklet when evaluating it at the end of the placement. 3. Valorising and validating the professional experience, as young people who spend one and a half months abroad immersing themselves in the professional world will definitely develop their adaptability. 4. The provision of their Europass Mobility will also allow them to testify their training period in a business abroad and will be an interesting asset for future employers. 5. Our city, Le Havre, named a UNESCO World Heritage City in 2005, needs to recruit qualified staff who are capable of expressing themselves correctly in a foreign language, as there is an increasingly significant number of foreign tourists: cruise ship passengers, cultural and architectural tourists etc… 6. The opening of the BTS (HND) hotel and restaurant management option “Tableware” is the proof of a real necessity to train young people in these industries, as the feasibility studies show us this real need for a highly skilled workforce. 7. In terms of our partners, we expect to pursue, reinforce and further develop the number of different placements, all the while offering reciprocity in order to reduce accommodation costs. In this way, for several years we have been receiving Slovakian, Italian and Portuguese pupils who we accompany throughout their work placement. Working in close collaboration with colleagues in our establishment who successfully coordinate Comenius has allowed us to develop partnerships with the hotel establishments hosting these ongoing programmes. We are therefore now in a position to offer our pupils the chance to go to Belgium, Portugal, England, Romania, Italy and Spain. All of this collaboration equally allows us to offer our pupils hotel establishments which are more appropriate for the skills expected in their assessment booklets for their work-based training period. Thus we now offer work placements for pupils with the “baccalauréat professionnel”, but also to those with the “baccalauréat technologique”. This mobility programme is vital to us in order to pursue our politics of opening up to Europe. It allows us to place pupils abroad in excellent conditions, all the while consolidating their professional skills, giving them professional experience and allowing them to use a foreign language daily, without forgetting providing them with an extremely enriching human experience. We intend to open this possibility of mobility to pupils of the final year of Vocational high school " Hotel business " for their autumn internship in the field of the accommodation.
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7 Partners Participants