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L'Europe, c'est moi!
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is part of a consortium as we are willing to mobilize our schools , generate a synergy, work as a team, exchange our methods in order to create a real added-value for our students instead of limiting our project to an outgoing mobility.Vocational school students are rarely concerned with mobility for psychological, cultural and economic reasons. Our project affect them and can be developed around four mobilities, Outgoing mobilityIt concerns the work placement mobility of twelve 17 to 19-year-old students mainly from disadvantaged social background. It is a 3-week mobility . The first year, the target is England as one member of the consortium has already worked with the partner . The second year , we are planning to organize a mobility to Bulgary or another destination As the students will be totally immersed, they will be able to discover new professional practices which will be assessed, a new culture and this experience will definetely contribute to improve their English level especially their oral skills.Incoming mobilityWe intend to welcome a group of Bulgarian students and teachers . This partnership will enable a real meeting of cultures, We will assist them in setting in and following the students, we will be their local advisor and oversee the work placements. We intend to develop a parternship to create exchange programs for students and develop mutual work placements Virtual mobilityWe want our students to read and write as they would do in reality, communicate « for real » with both the other students of the consortium and the foreign students. This will make sense to their written exchanges and they will also have to comply with a standard.Educational MobilityThe consortium staff will share their professional practices with the foreign partners which will contribute to mutual enrichment. It will be used and disseminated moreover innovative methods will be implemented.The different activities of these mobilities will be proposed to the whole consortium community, it will not only concern the selected students. Thanks to these activities, students will have the opportunity to speak English outside the habitual school class.These activities will be connected to several school subjects, enabling cross-disciplinary teaching and the foreign language will then be much more than just a toolOur schools are mobilized to promote the International concept by using the medias, through peeer-exchanges and by organizing special events to celebrate key events of the European calendar in order to have an impact in and outside the school community.As a conclusion, this project has both a professional and personal interest as it requires and develops knowledge and adaptation to another culture. It will be integrated into a lifelong training of our staff. It will develop autonomy and international concern. The project will help the students go on their studies by developing their ambition and it will increase their access to a job and contribute to a better integration into the world of work which is getting more and more international.
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