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L'espagnol de Cervantes en hôtellerie.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2011 "EuropeanMobility Projects" have been bringing a European dimension to the Vocational School Branly in the catering section. The opening of the European section in 2014 allowed us to involve our establisment in a realplan of European Development. Our objectives suit the academic objectives : - insert our students as European Citizens in a foreign profesional and cultural field, - succeed and hihglight their BTECwith the European certification, - "show solidarity" among the educational team, the student is in heart of his training course and the family is around the educational project of the young European Citizen, - cooperate with the different national and international partners. The mobility project of the educational team is deeply rooted in house training to improve the quality and the educational skills of our establisment. It will allow us to give concrete expression to the implementation of our European development plan which is the main line of our establishment project. Six teachers from the vocational or general field involve themselves to improve their knowledge and skills to achieve the know-how of the existing team following 2 weeks of training in the IEMA of Avila in Spain. The career path includes at the same time Spanish proficiency courses on a general ans vocational basis and also methodology in DNL ans knowledge in the educational and vocational system. The impacts are numerous ans transverse : - cohesion of the group around the European project of our establishment, - exchange of educational practises, - development of our skills in DNL, trust in language and educational practices. Two teachers will get their certifications in DNL in Spanish (2017). The DNL lessons and the preparation of the students te the European Certification will be done by a certified educational team in Spanish DNL. This project would incite other members from the staff of our establishment to get involved into the European project in the coming years.
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