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L’Artisanat de l'Ouest français à la conquête de l'Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is a major issue for the future that apprentices acquire the relevant training and experience to run the small craft businesses of tomorrow in their chosen trade. The European Alliance for Apprenticeships ensures that synergy is relayed on a European level. In order to meet this need, it is essential to increase the quality of vocational training namely through: • The improvement in quality of the trainers and apprenticeships tutors’ skills and competences; • The modernisation of the training providers by means of innovative pedagogical methods in order to build up an attractive choice for the apprentices on the same level as the general education system; • An opening towards innovation and internationalisationThe alliance’s objectives are, on one hand, to improve employability and to contribute to the economic growth, and on the another hand, to combat early school dropping out as well as youth unemployment.That is the spirit in which the consortium–made up of the Poitou-Charentes Chamber of Trade and Craft (CRMAPC, applicant organisation) together with the four County Chambers of Trade and Craft (CMA) from: the Charente, the Charente-Maritime, the Deux-Sèvres and the Vienne- as well as the County Chamber from the Haute-Vienne, is aiming at increasing the number of beneficiaries of European mobility, and at developing the openness synergy towards Europe leading to a constant improvement of the quality of the training programme offered by our vocational centres. It is within this framework that we have implemented our mobility project, “Les Artisans du Poitou-Charentes à la conquête de l’Europe”. Various European countries have been selected: Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The objectives are multifold: • The 155 apprentices will be confronted with a first experience abroad, with the added advantage of allowing them to develop proficiency in the chosen foreign language; they will be able to develop their autonomy in what is a completely new environment – a major factor in empowerment – and acquire new professional skills. • European mobility will also provide the opportunity for the 22 trainers and tutors to improve their language and professional skills, to exchange on pedagogical best practices with the other education centres, as well as discussing the course content itself. Furthermore, the companies which employ these apprentice tradesmen also have their role to play in encouraging mobility and this would be to their advantage as they will benefit from the apprentices’ professional experience and prospects with new, non-domestic markets.In terms of the activities on offer to the apprentices during their period of training aboard, the following vocational streams are concerned: Craft arts, Wood & Energy, mechanics, food industry, services and restaurant trade & catering. An individual professional technique will also be studied during the 14-day course. The foreign host companies will nominate a tutor for the apprentices: this person will provide guidance, advice and training and will follow the progress of the young people during their mobility period. The above-mentioned Chambers of Trades and Crafts (CMA) will be in charge of implementing the call for applications and selecting the successful candidates amongst those apprentices interested by a period of mobility. They will furthermore be responsible for organising every aspect of the trip - logistics, travel, accommodation as well as producing written feedback on the experience that will, in particular, analyse the positive aspects and identify areas for improvement (impact assessment, results widespreading, methods to improve future mobility periods). Foreign partners will be in charge of selecting the host companies depending on the activities requested by each apprentice in order to ensure that the work experience that is offered matches to each apprentice’s specific requirements. Finally the regional coordinator (CRMAPC) will be in charge of the global support of the four CMA and the overall consistency of the planned actions and the long-term follow-up of the project.The expected results will be put to good use in each Vocational Training Centre via improved and completed programmes which will take into account the European dimension. The apprentices will be wealthier thanks to these new professional experiences and the knowledge they will have acquired through that mobility.Our project will impact both the participants and the participating organisations. By placing the apprentice at the heart of the scheme, he/she will benefit from the added value of this new experience and display a whole new dimension in their life, whether as adult individuals, professionals or European citizens.One of the long-term benefits we hope to obtain through our mobility project is to contribute to a more peaceful society, caring to young people and which is concerned about helping them to find their place.
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