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Kvalitetssikring av yrkesfag for å hindre frafall
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project will include training in working methods, kultural, religious and language knowledge in Greek and in English. The students will be able to observe and learn different illnesses and look at different treatments and develop knowledge,skills and behaviour and to stimulate growth towards people with different situations, cultural, social and functional abilities. They will have a training prosess for developing empathy, respect and tolerance .The mobility projects will focus on cooperation, quality and how to solve conflicts in a different cultural enviroment. In addition to all this the students will use the mobility project to choose their future. We know from experience that we will recruit more students to these programs by attending transnational mobility projects. Early schoolleavers will be less in number when pupils attend these projects. And every year the society needs more people to take care of people of all groups of patients. Especially now when the new "coordination reform "began which states that the local communities will treat and help patients with severe diseases and of dementia care. With superior focus on young people , increases the competition rates and increase the quality in their career . We think that these projects will submit all these priorities. Vg2 health and social studies will have these objevtives: - have understanding of and show respect for the cultures, religion and special characteristics of other nationalities - take part in nursing sick persons - assist users in satisfying their nutritional requirements based on knowledge of the importance of a proper diet for individual health and well-being - be able to guide and motivate users for activities that may give them a meaningful life situation - be able to observe and report on physical, mental and social health and functional disabilities, and, in cooperation with other professional groups, be able to adapt assistance to persons with different needs for assistance The students attending health college of dementia care will have these objectives: -further development in their own and patients emotions -further development in communication skills and competence and use these in a therapeutic contacts with patients and their relatives - observe and learn about dementis care in Europe Both groups will reach towards the standards of the National Governmental provisions For the teachers that join the staff training abroad in Denmark and Greece, will return til our school with new educational methods and a increased transnational cooperation between education and training methods. They will have increased their ability to see each pupils needs to cope with social, cultural and lingvistic variations.
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