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Kulak Ver Bana
Start date: Sep 24, 2015, End date: Oct 23, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

‘’Approach Your Ear’’ project aims to provide a multicultural working atmosphere for youths who come together from three different countries (Germany, Switzerland and Turkey) and an inter-cultural dialog between youths via fairy tales. For this purpose, a meeting has been organized on October 2014 in Bern, Switzerland for ten days. This meeting enabled to attract the attention of young participants towards the others’ cultures and languages, to eliminate the prejudices against each other and to enjoy the collective process of artistic production. In that meeting, young people who do not know each others’ languages built deep inter-cultural bonds using different ways of communication like body language, mimic, gestures, emotional language or the symbolic language of universal elements appearing in fairy tales etc. In order to spread this unique experience between youths, another meeting will be organized in İstanbul, Turkey for nine days. 33 young participants with a age limitation of 18-28 and 6 project leaders will meet on October, 2015 in İstanbul.* Participants including 18 women and 15 men will be selected among young people who are mainly discriminated because of social-economical reasons and who have less access to culture and art events. In this project, workshops will be given about storytelling and fairy tales where theatre pedagogical models are applied. Participants are expected to improve themselves in storytelling discipline and use their education given in this project further in their life. During workshops, young people will be encouraged to use their creativity in order to shape the artistic process. Applying the knowledge learned, participants will prepare multilingual storytelling-performances where fairy tales diffuse into autobiographical stories and vice versa. On the 7th and 8th day, storytelling-performances prepared by youths will be performed in front of the audience at two different places. This meeting will be the first international youth meeting organized in İstanbul and also in Turkey about storytelling and fairy tales. This project would enable to introduce both to national and international arenas; the fairy tale- and story-telling tradition which has ancient roots in Turkey but mostly forgotten nowadays. It might also contribute to increase the number of young people who would perform storytelling as a profession. *Since Erasmus + Program does not further support Swiss institutions with the beginning of 2015, in this project we ask for financial support of 26 Turkish and German participants.
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