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Kreatywny uczeń i nauczyciel w nowoczesnej szkole
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school evaluation team and the remarks of our teachers, students and parents enabled us to recognize and define the most substantial needs of our school. The school management decided to take proper measures to improve the school disadvantages.One of them would be the participation in an Erasmus project K1( School mobilities). Our project is entitled: “ A creative student and teacher in modern school”.The most important aim of our project is the improvement of our school activity in many areas; such as: motivating students, help for the pupils from disadvantageous areas, introducing innovative methods and forms of teaching, more effective management of school stuff, the development of students’ creativity and initiative.We assume that our project will have a very divers process and will refer to many areas of school work. One of them is more effective use of our ICT hardware and software which are available at our school ( laptops, computers, interactive whiteboards, digital cameras, camcorders and adequate softwares). Therefore, we decided to take a part in a training course devoted the more effective use of multimedia at the process in teaching in Malta. The programme of the course includes: creating a website, writing and painting comic stories, producing educational films and many other interesting and inspiring activities. Another form of our activities within the Erasmus course are structured visits and benchmarking courses. They both consist in watching the teaching process at other schools, the discussion with the teachers from other countries, mutual sharing educational experience and original and innovative solutions. We decided to travel to two, Nordic countries which reach very high results at didactic and pedagogic work – Iceland and Finland. The educational systems in those countries are famous for innovative and revelatory attitude in the educational process. Particularly interesting and inspiring are their solutions concerning teaching Mathematics, foreign languages and solving pedagogical problems as well. We would like to apply all the solutions, measures and forms of teaching which we would learn at foreign courses and training visits at our own school. We believe that all our schools and teachers will benefit from the project. Due to our participation in the project the teaching results of our students will improve, especially in such school subjects as: Mathematics, Polish and foreign languages. The next form of foreign learning forms are language courses for our teachers. We have included an intensive language course for the teachers of young learners in the language and methodology school in Plymouth, the UK. The effective learning English with native speakers and with the use of authentic materials will be of great benefit for our teachers. As a result of this training form our teachers will improve their language skill confirmed with an appropriate certificate and will gain new qualifications. We assume that a large number of our teachers will be involved in the project. The teachers of different school subjects will take a part in various mobilities. There are at all 24 teachers working at our school, so far 16 of them have declared their will to cooperate.We expect that the project will have a positive and long-standing impact on our school. We will introduce new innovative methods of teaching different school subjects. We will use our ICT equipment more effectively and efficiently at the educational process. Owing to new and creative methods we will increase the students’ motivation for studying and gaining new knowledge and new skills. The project will be very advantageous for the promotion of our school in our local environment. Our school will become a real pioneer of positive changes at the education in our area and environment. We assume the dissemination of the results of our project among the other teachers and principals. We also intend to publish many appropriate articles at professional magazines and periodicals.
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