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Креативните архитектурни решения в сградостроителството на съвременна кралска Испания.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Creative architectural decisions in the construction of modern royal Spain" aims at acquainting the future specialists from The Vocational High School of Building, Architecture and Geodesy in the field of building and architecture with the interactive and innovative approaches of the vocational education in Spain and the creative building solutions used by leading European countries. The participants in the project are twenty students aged between 15-18 from the speciality "Building and architecture". These are young people with a keen interest in building and architecture and eager for new knowledge in this field. They will have the opportunity to observe good practices of similar schools in Valencia and take part in practical classes and get to know the architectural styles of Valencia. This project is a very good way for the participants to acquire new competences which they can develop in their future realization . Having in mind that Spain is a country in which the European standards for building have been applied for many years the participants from Bulgaria can take advantage of this long experience and enrich their knowledge and skills up to that high European standard.

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