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Kreativitätsförderung in elementarpädagogischen Einrichtungen Europas
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2003 Helen-Keller-School in Weinheim has enabled students to go abroad for an internship during their last year of their apprenticeship to become educators. Due to the fact that interested students attend a (mandatory) preparatory course called “International Elementary pedagogics“, it is save to apply for eight “Erasmus+“-mobility scholarships. This year‘s project is titled "Promoting creativity in different European nursery schools“ and project partners are our long-term partners Fitzwilliam Nursery and Montessori School in Dublin (Ireland), Vestfold Fylkeskommune in Tonsberg (Norway), kindergarten "Alt Wien" in Vienna (Austria) and new: commune of Cunit (Spain).Reasons for participation:- supporting the European initiative to promote mobility in vocational education - in accordance with § 39 of the Baden-Wuerttemberg exam regulations: offering the chance to fulfil parts of their final year in other European countries - putting contents of the Baden-Wuerttemberg kindergarten curriculum regarding „creative offerings in the elementary sector“ into action - learning and/or improving language skills in the respective national language, plus improvement of English as link language - deepening of professionalism, subsequently leading to a higher professional standard in general Goals, expected results and effects as well as long-term benefits:- attainment of intercultural performance skills, including a positive long-term effect on the participant‘s (professional) personality - deepening of professional self-confidence and assurance how to act in various professional situations - getting to know different structural prerequisites in the partner institutions - actively participating in the organisation of the daily routine in the partner institutions - experiencing and reflecting different professional personalities (based on the respective concepts) - gaining experiences regarding the work with children, parents, colleagues, supervisors and agencies in the partner institutions - acquisition of a basic pedagogical vocabulary in the respective national language and/or English - getting to know the importance of bilingualism - comparing, reflecting, presenting and spreading of gained experiences - thus widening the willingness of other students to go abroad - widening the acceptance of German agencies to allow their interns to go abroad for four weeks - orientation for other colleges for social education through planned publication of internship curriculum units and „europass“-samples Project phases:- 7 month preparatory phase at Helen-Keller-School in Weinheim - internship in one of the aforementioned partner institutions in May/June 2017- evaluation phase including a closing presentation at Helen-Keller-School A written curriculum for the internship - based on ECVET principals and instruments - will be drawn up together with each participant. The curriculum will be matched with the project partner‘s expectations in a kind of “Memorandum of Understanding“. The „europass Mobilität“ will ensure validation and acknowledgement of learning achievements.
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4 Partners Participants