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Kosmetický styling pro různé příležitosti
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

He project will be participated by Secondary School of Clothing and Services Vizovice, Tyršova 874, Vizovice (The Czech Republic) as an applicant and sending organization and Secondary vocational school, Košická Road 20, Prešov (Slovakia) as a receiving organization. The main objective of the project is to extend the professional competence of pupils, who are in the second and third year class; a field of education is Cosmetic Services, on extension of pupils´skills in the area of creativity and originality in styling for special occasions. The output of the project will be production of methods in doing styling for special occasions including multimedia presentation. Students will recieve required skills and experience in the field of make-up for special occasions at a two week trainee-ship in specialized classrooms in Secondary vocational school Prešov. The trainee-ship will take place during the school year 2014/2015, as agreed with the host school in the months of February – March 2015. Students will test new possibilities, methods and procedures in styling creating for various occasions, they will learn to design new ways of solutions leading to upgrading of decorative styling, to speak in professional terms, purposefully link theorethical knowledge with practical skills and thus they will increase their competitiveness in applying at the labour market. With regard to ample experience of admitting school, the training will be a useful aset for students and teachers. Personal progress for students means not only learning about a different cultural environment but also making new contacts with their fellows in both professional and private life. Their independence will increase, they will better be able to join a new task team and communicate in Slovakian language.

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