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Komunikujeme v Evropě
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Reasons for the project: Our school sees the current socio-cultural changes in Europe as a challenge that needs to be reflected by continuing quality improvement of educational strategies and methods and through participation in the process of internationalization. A long-term school evaluation has shown the need of pedagogical staff for increasing their professional and pedagogical competencies. The school strives to keep up with the latest trends in education. A need is currently felt by the teachers for self-development. Realization of the project would thus be in line with the natural motivation of our teachers. Educational needs have been identified on the language-competency level, primarily for the successful introduction of the CLIL method, but also for the sake of communication with foreign colleagues and cooperation concerning experience sharing, as well as on the didactic-methodical level. Aims and object: The aims of the project fall into three categories: language, didactic-methodical, and professional-social aims. Firstly, it is our aim to contribute to the language skills of our employees. Another aim is to increase the didactic-methodical competencies of employees by means of job-shadowing and peer-learning. This experience and knowledge will contribute to the quality increase of the educational process and motivate teachers towards further personal and professional development. In the third area, professional-social, the aim is to establish long-term contacts and cooperation between teachers and their colleagues abroad. Such communication will enable further sharing of good practice, mutual encouragement and motivating and to continuing perfecting of language skills of employees through natural means. Participants: The participants have been carefully selected from across the teaching staff. There are both language and subject teachers, primary and lower secondary teachers on various language levels whose language and professional preferences cover a range of European countries. 15 persons will be supported in the project. Their profiles are elaborated in detail in the appendix. 12 persons will take part in the language and methodical courses in total (7 of which will undergo language courses and 5 methodical courses). Job-shadowing is planned for 6 persons. Activities, metodology: Two project activities are planned to achieve the set aims – participation of employees in language or methodical courses and job-shadowing in partner schools. For practical reasons, the activities are scheduled to take place in the aforementioned order. Participants will be provided with language preparation, which aims not solely at specific language skill outcomes but also at motivation to further self-education. Job-shadowing will take place in the following year. Its successful progress and participant support will greatly depend on the partner schools . Within both the activities the project leadership and management team will ensure support for the participants and see to communication with partners. Outcomes: The project outcomes can again be divided into three levels: language, didactic-methodical and professional-social. The outcomes of language and methodical courses will consist in the development of language and communication competencies and skills, put to use by implementing CLIL in various content subjects and further communication with current and new partners. The job-shadowing activity will result in new didactic-methodical competencies, experience and motivation with an effect on life-long learning. At the same time, professional-social outcomes are expected in terms of intensive communication with foreign colleagues, sharing good practice and learning about specific features of the education systems in other European countries. The outcomes will be worked into the final evaluation report and shared with the public mainly via school website. Impact: It is expected that the realization of project activities will have a significant positive impact on the overall quality improvement in teaching and working with children, in the context of the current and anticipated demographic and socio-cultural European and global trends. Through the increase in language and didactic-methodical competencies of teachers we will be achieved the implementation of new knowledge, methods and effective educational features into the educational activities of the school and increased motivation to life-long learning of teaching staff. The established contacts with other schools will be put to good use on the pupils’ level in the form of joint projects and in further private correspondence. On the conceptually-strategic level, we anticipate a clear impact on the updating of the school development plan. Successful implementation and dissemination of new knowledge and experience will increase the prestige of our school.

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