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Komunikacja-kluczem do sukcesu w rozwoju uczniów i nauczycieli
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„Communication- the key to success in development of pupils and teachers” is a project proposed by the Primary School no 86 in Gdansk. It’s a large educational institution employing highly motivated tutors willing to increase their area of activity from the local, domestic to international one. However, teachers in this school struggle with language problems, that were proved by a survey conducted in 2015/2016 season. Language barrier hampers participation in international projects, that without a doubt would, be a great asset for entire institution. Another identified problem is the lack of cooperation between English teachers and primary ones. Having faced these problems, we would like to take some steps, as the European Development plan is put into practice. Therefore, coordinating team have been created in order to launch repair actions. It’s key issue is to develop language skills through proceeding international education projects, that will be employed to develop “European citizen” behaviours. In details the objectives are as follows:• To take international language courses by six teachers.• To cope with language barrier and to develop the skill of using English in practice.• To improve the quality of education by running international projects within eTwinning.• To cooperate with European Education institutions.• To develop the vocabulary.• To become familiar with modern technology that enables to be a part of modern, global world.• To develop open, tolerant, profound, creative and innovative behaviours. • To improve the cooperation between primary school teachers and language ones.Above objectives are common with EU and Erasmus Plus priorities. Learning mobility influences directly the teacher, and indirectly entire institution. The participants of foreign courses are primary school teachers. Their choice is based on conducted survey and interview. Among them is current eTwinning project coordinator, who is responsible for training other teachers in this field. Chosen English teachers have declared to run basic language courses for primary school teachers. They are willing to run eTwinning projects as well. Furthermore, in this project both vice headmaster and headmaster are also involved. The vice headmaster is running the classes by tutoring method and the head master- English teacher, will be in charge of making Anglo-Saxon culture acquainted with. He is also experienced in running all the activity related with Commenius project. For financial issues, Accounts is involved. Actions to be taken are as follows:• To run commercial activity.• To run language and culture courses.• Classes development (tutoring).• To carry out eTwinning and TwinSpace survey on expectations toward international projects.• To establish cooperation within eTwinning area and to make the results common.• To determine rules of cooperation between English teachers and primary ones. • To supervise the project.• To set up Erasmus Plus information point.• To arrange the meeting for educational institutions in Gdansk.• To evaluate and account the project.As a result, language skills of teachers and pupils are improved. Open, tolerant, profound, creative and innovative behaviour is shaped. International activity is achieved. The school performance, as well as its prestige, is raised. All above mentioned feedback is the long term one. As international contacts are established, there are no obstacles in exchanging experience with European teachers. Highly motivated and succeeded tutors are willing to take further steps in making the European values familiar with.
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