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Kompetenzerweiterung zur Realisierung von fächerübergreifender Inklusion mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Fremdsprachenunterrichts
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Just like all mainstream schools the Käthe-Kollwitz-Schule is facing a new challenge: implementing concrete measures to assure an inclusive school system which allows pupils with and without disabilities to live and learn together. During teachers’ training courses such aspects are only tackled marginally, therefore teachers in mainstream school find it very demanding to meet the expectations. Teaching pupils with and without disabilities together can only be successful, when the pedagogic staff know enough about the specific requirements of the various intellectual and physical disabilities. Only then can didactic and methodological concepts quickly be adapted to prevailing needs. In order to guarantee this the KKS applies for two teachers’ training courses in the UK that focus on inclusion and that allow the exchange of information and experiences among European participants. Both staff members hold positions that will facilitate the dissemination of the results of the trainings within the school and outside. In view of the fact that the KKS is very active in the field of virtual (eTwinning) as well as multilateral school partnerships, one colleague, who is strongly involved in these activities, will get the chance to improve her school-English during an English language course. This will help to guarantee that the European dimension is rooted even more deeply within the staff. In the light of the pending discontinuation of "Hauptschule" this will help to establish more easily the European dimension in the newly founded school "Sekundarschule".

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