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Kompetenzen für angehende Forstwirte in Ungarn und Finnland
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We expect results of the project on a personal, social cultural, technical level of the participants, at the institutional, regional level both in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as well as in the partner institutions abroad.The sustainable effect takes place only through the transfer into training practice; the learning institutions and the regional training market, through the presentation of experiences in reports, articles, presentations, posters, and their presentation to a wide audience at professional and political level. Each participant and all partners are involved into the dissemination of results.After return of the participants, we schedule to summarize experiences and lessons learned in project reports, presentations and posters. They will be presented to a wide audience. After each flow we plan a series of lectures for the National Forest Rangers institution for the Youth Staff, for apprentices, instructors at vocational school, future interns and for those interested, on which the young people will occur. During this event, the trainees will be awarded the Europass mobility. This gives both the Europass Mobility and the internship an increased appreciation and recognition for young people. At the event, the experience of the project participants will be evaluated in lectures. The media (especially local press, trade press) are invited to this event.Results will be disseminated, deepened and discussed by the participants in professional discussions with colleagues from the National Forest Agency in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, with parents, friends, teachers, trainees at vocational school and others interested in the subject. The acquired intercultural skills and technical skills have a long-lasting effect into the future career of participants. The results of the internships are mentioned in the annual report of the Forest Department of Agriculture of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.The participants will take the new experiences later in their own businesses life, in which a new international working environment will be created. It will open up new production and market dimensions. The understanding of other cultures and the idea of Europe grows from the base, both on the side of the sending institution as well as the participants and the host organizations abroad.These results will be available to a wide audience in various media. We use fairs (MeLa etc.), exhibitions, and presentations, seminars at home and abroad. The partners provide the reports on the conducted internship on their websites.The skills and competencies of all participants and project partners also will be included in the quality of new mobility projects.The foreign partners will also include the results in new projects and in raising the quality of teaching, training and projects.These criteria are also found in other projects, which are carried out not only with the partners of this project application. For both new partners benefit at the national level, as well as at regional or transnational level. The result is a European added value.The results will be presented and made generally available also in exchange of experience, for example in the National Agencies.The international network for mobility in forestry will be strengthened. New projects will be designed by the partners.

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2 Partners Participants