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Kompetenceudvikling og videndeling - international dimension
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Arden School has since 2012 worked with our international profile. The school has established an international board, which systematically has worked to develop an international curriculum (finished in 2014), where we describe the goals of Arden School and define our schools understanding of international competences. The personnel of the school is interested in making the curriculum come to reality around the whole school, and not only the staff who took initiative to make this plan. We hope to develop the teacher´s language and science skills. The outcome will be to make more student to student virtual activities. In order to implement an international dimension in other subjects and especially science, we want to get more staff involved. A focus in our new school reform is our holistic education, where students are participating and active and take responsibility. Therefore we also seek courses and partners that develops creativity in our language and science teaching. In the long term we wish to generate a praxis orientated education in our 3 elective lines, in language and in science. “Let´s Communicate” in Spain is an example of this, which we want to learn more from. We want our students to be more communicative with the world around us, even more than we are doing already. Job Shadowing, courses and conferences: We want to Job shadow /hostmanship: 6 teachers to Germany and Spain (2 +2 +2) 1 leader exchanging with Spain We want to send 3 Elective Line teachers on the course: Master Class Teaching in Spain - or a course similar to it. We want to send 3 science teachers to Science to Science Conference in London: Science on Stage June 2015. The management is responsible in the planning and cooperation with Arden Schools International Board, and to share the experiences and results and make sure there will be an implementation and evaluation. This will happen in a working process and be adjusted as we go along with the courses and job shadowing. The distribution of responsibility will be clear as to who does what. Overall perspective: It is the School reforms target to make students learn more and to be active co players in their own studying, to make it succeed. Students need to understand the meaning of the task and know the aim of the education. We have seen a great part of commitment, when our students have been traveling with Comenius or communicated via Skype, e-twinning, e-mails etc. It is an important goal that students can see their own part in an international context. This especially for Arden School being situated in the countryside. Many of our students are not used to communitating or meeting foreigners even traveling. This obligates the school to take part in this obligation.
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