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Kompetanseutvikling av lærere
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The management and staff at the school have seen a need for a professional and methodical strengthening and development in English, ICT, science, practical and aesthetic subjects and teaching pupils who speak Norwegian as their second language. The school has the potential to improve in all these areas. We wish to develop and improve the teachers to ensure that the quality of the education we provide our pupils with will be the same, regardless of which teacher is teaching the class. The project also ensures an international context to the school, which will provide new contacts and knowledge of relevant methodology and research. The management of the school is central to all aspects of the project. Management will use the project to develop further both locally in our own organization but also internationally. They will, through the knowledge they acquired from international experiences, be able to drive the development at our own school seen from an international perspective. Our aim is to get a uniform teaching at the school, so that the quality of the teaching is the same in all classrooms. It is also a central objective that teachers should be confident in their teaching so that they adopt modern and research-based teaching. The project has clear and specific measurable steps. This ensures that staff, pupils and parents can see that the school is at the forefront of developments when it comes to future education, research and professions. The participants in the project will be the teaching staff at the school including management, a total of 60 people. They represent a diversity in both age, attitudes, knowledge and education. Common to the employees is that they all want the best possible education and learning outcome for their pupils. The structured school visits are aconducted independently of subjects and skills of the staff and have an emphasis on observation of teaching, participation in education, exchange of experiences, workshops and lessons. School visits are used not only to increase awareness of what constitutes good teaching practice, but also as part of the process of finding new contacts internationally. The mobilitys are based on a real need the school has to strengthen the combination of subjects. The courses also includes the use of modern teaching methods and how to implement this in the teaching. The school will re-establish project groups in all disciplines and integrate new knowledge in these. Employees who have been on mobility will participate in subject groups, conduct internal training courses, help to implement the newly established knowledge in curricula and on project days. Management at the school will spread their newly acquired knowledge in principal meetings, Microsoft Network and the political committees among other. Through this project, the school as an organization evolve to become a more modern and progressive organization. The staff at the school will have a strong ownership of the project and will acquire greater professional confidence and practice with equal knowledge, as attitudes and equal skills. Pupils will meet the same education and practice regardless of which teacher they have and the academic results and student performance will improve. The school will utilize its resources and new forms of knowledge-sharing will be explored and implemented. The school will be attractive both as workplace and partner. In the participation of the project will also help schools to disseminate knowledge and experience to other areas that can benefit from it. It would be natural to use municipal networks and specialist groups, local media and social media. Staff will use eTwinning and other ICT-based sharing platforms. Management will including principal meetings, Microsoft - networking and dialogue with political committees to disseminate the results.
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