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Kommunikation - Kooperation - Koordination in Guidance
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Communication - Cooperation - Coordination in Guidance"Co-Co-Co in Guidance"Three organizations at local and regional levels start to walk on common European path.An authority on municipality level with services for education and counseling in Graz, an cross-institutional network of adult education - the Styrian Adult Educational Network, as well as an NGO with the main theme of "Education and Business" - the Styrian Association of Education and Economics - as coordinating partner form a consortium to open the opportunity for employees to gain European experiences by internships "Job Shadowing".This is not an end in itself. This will be effective for all those who can gather European experiences by "job shadowing". This form of immersion in other spheres can raise awareness, open up new insights and make options for actions for their own area of responsibility.But the approach of communication – cooperation- coordination in Guidance in short "Co-Co-Co in Guidance" goes far beyond that.This concern the participating members of the consortium and the partners who offer opportunities for job shadowing. In Germany and the UK experience will be acquired that will benefit subsequently not only the people involved, the organizations involved, but also the regional networks of adult education.17 people, each one workweek, a work situation in another European country to accompany, not only as a "shadow", but in active exploration, with specific preparation, good supervision and joint evaluation.The focus of the experience is on communication - cooperation - coordination in Guidance with topics affects us every day: migration, the access for the disadvantaged, guidance for adults in the stage of life as a parent and the achievement of policy makers. Thus, some can move.This will create a momentum. Staff experience other conditions, take one hand impressions, which they can pass on in their own environment, but also see like in a "mirror" what is good and effective running in the own area - that encourages and motivates sustainable.And sustainability is the principle of any European initiative, also of the project " Co-Co-Co in Guidance. That will and must act beyond this mobility project.This is guaranteed by the members and partners and their engagement to its core business and for European cooperation.

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