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Kolarctic Sport and Recreation Activities
Start date: Jun 20, 2011, End date: Jun 19, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objectives are to increase the number of participants in sports and recreational activities in Kemijärvi, Salla, Kandalaksha, Polarnye Zori and Kirovsk areas. Also to increase the usage of sports, recreational activity and tourism services in the areas and to versify the types of activities available in the project areas by cross-boarder usage and co-operation in these activities. This will also increase tourism numbers and tourism income in all these areas and level out seasonal tourism peaks. The project area will gain a brand as a sports activity area with many high quality services for sports & wellbeing including many related events. The increased sports and activity participants will create demand and motivation to develop these facilities further, and thus create an upward spiral of development. Long-term goal is to develop mutual understanding, cooperation and the sports and activities facilities and services in the project area to a level, which will enable even Olympic games or World Championship level events to be organised together with e.g. Rovaniemi and Ruka-Kuusamo areas. This would be cross-boarder co-operation at its best. The specific objective: The project aim is to create and start activity programmes in the project area, where through training, exchange of knowledge and co-operation the area's sports and recreational activities will be developed step-by-step, utilising the northern environment and specialities and to versify the area's activity choice. The connected accommodation, food and other tourism services will improve, the participant numbers will increase and the area will become more attractive for sports and recreational activities. The area's internal co-operation will increase and the area will attract sports and activity participants even from other areas. The aim will be reached by developing the services, know-how and attitudes by training and learning by doing and by increasing co-operation and networking. The area's destinations will be branded as excellent and attractive activity locations by means of different cooperation in the field of sports and recreational activities, by developing transportation and booking facilities of the activity services and by practical promotion & information of the area's potential for organising visits. For example new sports and activity events will be created in the project area. Achievements: The project has allowed people to make use of all the sports venues in the region, regardless of national borders. A portion of the project funding was allocated to improve sport venues to make them more attractive and better fit to cater for the increasing number of users. The participating sport clubs exchanged coaching know-how, renovated sports facilities, bought training equipment and painted new course markings. The project partners also cooperated in marketing the region as a sport tourism destination. The collaboration still continues.
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  • 62.4%   578 901,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Kolarctic ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants